Baked Products Foods Group
Thrift Store Employee Food Safety & Safety Rules Policy
1. Wear slip-resistant work shoes. --NO CANVAS SHOES . 2. You are required to loosen your muscles and joints before starting work. a. 5- Squats-Legs and hamstrings b. 4- Toe touches hold for 5 sec each, (Good for back and legs) c. 3 – Windmill-Windmills strengthen your abs and obliques while stretching your hamstrings, glutes, and hip adductors. 3. All doors within the warehouse must be kept Locked and Secured. a. Warehouse distributer doors must be closed and kept locked when not in use. b. Warehouse entrance doors must be kept locked and secured. 4. When receiving the product, inspect the product to ensure there are no signs of tampering. a. Make sure the boxes/bags are sealed. 5. Nothing should ever be stored on the floor. Bags or boxes must be stored on the shelf. 6. Make sure when stocking the shelves with the product you rotate the product according to the “FIFO” (First In First Out). Check the product code date. 7. The backroom perimeter must be kept clean and organized and a 16” inspection perimeter is required. This is required by the Dept. of Agriculture and the FDA. 8. Before stocking the shelves make sure they are clean. 9. Sweep under the store shelves and back-room storage shelves daily. a. Nothing should be under the shelves. 10. When moping the floors, you must use clean water and a wet floor sign. Do not mop the floors when customers are in the store. When you are finished moping, dump the dirty water out, clean the bucket and mop, then store it in its proper location. 11. The dumpster must be kept closed. When discarding the trash, you must make sure the flaps on the dumpster are closed. 12. You must wash your hands after using the restroom, dumping trash, mopping, sweeping the floor, eating, and drinking. 13. Smoking is prohibited within the building. 14. Hog feed products must be kept in a sanitary manner. It also cannot be left on the floor and the product must be sealed and unopened. 15. If a ladder must be used, make sure you stay within the confines of the ladder. Use the 3- point contact rule. 2 hands and 1 foot or 2 feet and 1 hand must make contact at all times. Do not use the top 2 steps. 16. Slip-resistant shoes are required 17. Make sure the Fire Extinguishers, Electrical Panels, and Exit Doors are not blocked and keep aisle ways clear. 18. Maintain the store and stockroom clean, neat, and organized. Good housekeeping prevents slips, trips, and falls 19. Product displays cannot be near or block the store entrance, exit doors, or fire extinguishers. 20. Make sure the “Exit Signs” and “Emergency Lights” are working. They must be inspected monthly. 21. When lifting, keep your back straight, bend your knees, and lift with your legs and not your back, keep the load close to your body. Size up the load, if the load is too big or awkward, get help. Do not try to pick the load up yourself. a. Only lift 2 trays at a time. A tray of Dave’s Killer Bread is very heavy, only lift one tray of this product. b. When carrying a load, keep the load waist high and move your feet when turning directions, do not twist to change directions.
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