Baked Products Foods Group

DEFINITIONS • No Call/No Show is defined as not calling by the mid-point of the scheduled shift. • Tardy is defined as clocking in between 1 minute and 1 hour late for your scheduled shift. • Leaving Early is defined as leaving work between 1 minute and 1 hour early at the end of your scheduled shift. “Leaving early” requires approval from your supervisor. • Incomplete Shift is defined as arriving more than 1 hour late or leaving more than 1 hour early. • Proper Notice is defined as calling in at least 2 hours prior to the start of your scheduled shift. GUIDELINES 1. Good attendance is a requirement of continued employment and employees are expected to manage their PTO and their attendance record accordingly. Remember, ANY absence from work not covered under a separate benefit requires the use of PTO. 2. Once an attendance point becomes 12 months old, it drops from your attendance record and is no longer considered in the next step of the attendance point system. 3. Any employee who will be tardy or absent from work must notify his/her supervisor (or other designated management official) at least one (1) hour prior to the employee’s scheduled reporting time. The employee must be the one giving the notice, unless it is not possible to do so due to his/her illness or injury. Employees failing to provide such notice may receive one (1) point for improper notice, depending on the circumstances of each case. 4. Any employee clocking or signing in to work more than one hour after his or her scheduled starting time without proper notice will be charged points for both an incomplete shift and for improper notice. 5. Employees may clock in up to 5 minutes before the scheduled start time. If you clock in earlier than 5 minutes before your scheduled start time without your supervisor’s approval you will be paid for all time worked but you may be subject to disciplinary action for clocking in early. There is no grace period for clocking in after your scheduled start time. Clocking in one (1) minute up to one (1) hour after your scheduled start time will result in a half (½) point for tardiness. 6. No employee will be terminated under this policy unless they have received a Last and Final Warning at least once in their career with the Company (unless for violations of rule number 10). 7. Absences of more than three (3) consecutive days require the company to determine whether or not you are entitled to job protected leave. If the need for leave is foreseeable (e.g., a scheduled surgery or appointment for which you must travel), you are required by federal law to provide the Company with appropriate notice as well as providing proper medical documentation to certify your need for leave. If the need for leave is not foreseeable (e.g., a medical emergency), You are required

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