Baked Products Foods Group
The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy is the guiding document in terms of when subsequent alcohol use . Since alcohol use is legal, the sections of the policy that apply to violations after treatment are below:
It is an absolute violation of Company policy for any employee:
• To be involved in the use or possession of alcohol on Company property .
• To be involved in the use of alcohol off Company premises that the Company determines may affect the employee's work performance, his/her own or others' workplace safety, or otherwise adversely affect the business . • To be "under the influence" due to the use of alcohol on Company property, in Company supplied vehicles, or during working hours. If an employee is discovered with possession of alcohol on Company property, this fact should be documented and the employee should be terminated. If an employee is believed to be under the influence of a substance while at work, management should document any behaviors or physical characteristics on the Reasonable Suspicion Observations Form and take the employee for reasonable suspicion drug and alcohol testing. If an employee tests positive for alcohol, the employee should be terminated for violation of our drug and alcohol policy – usually because of concerns around the employee’s work performance or concerns for the employee and co-workers’ safety. NOTE: If a bakery has an employee where management believes an exception to these procedures should be made (such as where a long-term employee with no history of performance problems is discovered in violation of the alcohol portions of the policy), please call corporate HR to discuss the feasibility of entering into a Last Chance Agreement with this employee. Related Documents 10. Implementation of company drug and alcohol abuse policies and procedures at acquired companies with existing employees. Below are the steps involved to implement the Flowers Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy at an acquired company with existing employees. If a union is involved, bargaining will generally be required prior to implementation of the policy. Please call corporate HR for assistance. • HR is responsible for preparing the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy Statement and obtaining the General Manager’s signature on the policy statement. Note: This statement will print in 3 columns, although it does not “view” that way. • The General Manager and HR Business Partner are to review the policy, covering the policy and the reason for its existence in small group meetings . • Post the policy statement on all plant/warehouse bulletin boards and the facility’s FLOconnect page. • Issue each employee a copy of the policy and ensure that each employee signs the acknowledgement form. File the acknowledgement form in the employees’ personnel files. Related Documents Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
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