Baked Products Foods Group
Device Turn-In Procedures for mobile devices NOT on legal-hold
User Steps: 1. Conduct a backup of iCloud, Google, Android or other cloud accounts. 2. Fill out the user information section on the Device Return Verification form 3. Completely disconnect/disown/unlink the mobile device from all iCloud, Find My iPhone, Android, Google, etc. cloud or system. (See specific steps for Apple devices in Figure 2) 4. Remove all personal apps, pictures, etc. from the device 5. Reset the screen-lock passcode to either 3535 or 353535 6. Reset the settings on the device 7. Turn in the mobile device and the Device Return Verification Form to the local SPOC. SPOC Steps: 1. Physically verify the user has completed their required actions listed above 2. Fill out the SPOC portion of the Device Return Verification form. 3. Attach the Device Return Verification form to the mobile device and ship it to the Flowers Foods Verizon Administrator. The Flowers Foods Verizon Administrator will ensure the device is properly cleared. If properly cleared, Flowers Foods will request IT conduct a factory reset and removal from Airwatch and DEP (where applicable)
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