DKB part 1
OFLA (but not FMLA) has bereavement leave which is the leave to make funeral arrangements, attend the funeral or grieve a family member who has passed away. This leave is limited to two weeks and must be completed within 60 days of the date when the employee learned of the death. Bereavement leave will count toward the total amount of OFLA-eligible leave. Additional use of vacation/PTO may also be granted depending on circumstances such as distance, the individual's responsibility for the funeral arrangements, and the employee's responsibility for taking care of the estate of the deceased. Additional unpaid time off may also be granted if the employee has exhausted his or her available vacation/PTO bank. Individual employee circumstances may be discussed with the employee's manager or Human Resources. It is the company's intention to support employees during their times of grief and bereavement. Family member" means the spouse, same-gender domestic partner, custodial parent, non-custodial parent, adoptive parent, foster parent, biological parent, parent-in-law, parent of a same-gender domestic partner, grandparent or grandchild of the employee, or a person with whom the employee is or was in a relationship of in loco parentis. It also includes the biological, adopted, foster or stepchild of an employee or the child of an employee’s same -gender domestic partner. For the purposes of OFLA, an employee’s child in any of these categories may be either a minor or an adult at the time serious health condition leave is taken. Immediate Family Defined for OFLA The Company will provide a reasonable amount of leave to partners who need to attend a criminal proceeding as a crime victim or as a member of the immediate family of a crime victim. The Company can limit such leave if the leave would cause an undue hardship to our operations. Crime victim leave will be unpaid; unless you have PTO available, like other federal and state leaves PTO will be used for missed time. If no PTO is available, the time will still be protected with no occurrences it would then just be unpaid time. This leave may run concurrently with other federal/state leave laws, if applicable. Leave for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking or Harassment Any partner who has been a victim or has an immediate family member that has been a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or harassment is eligible for leave under Oregon’s Leave for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking or Harassment law. • To seek legal or law enforcement assistance regarding health and safety • To seek medical treatment or recover from injuries caused by domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or harassment • To obtain counseling or services from a victims' assistance program • To relocate or secure an existing home If you need to take Leave for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking or Harassment, you should provide as much notice as possible. The Company will only limit the amount of leave taken if the leave creates an undue hardship to our operations. The Company may require certification of the need for leave, such as a copy of a police report, a protective order, or documentation from a health care OREGON CRIME VICTIM’S LEAVE Leave can be used:
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