FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook July 2024

employee to provide medical evidence if there is any question concerning the employee’s ability to perform essential job duties.

7. Absence from work due to incarceration in jail or prison resulting from arrest or conviction of any crime will be treated as an absence and points assigned for each day of the absence. 8. Absence or tardy due to transportation problems will be considered unexcused, with the exception for vehicular accidents. These require evidence of the incident that must be provided on the day the employee returns to work or the absence or tardy will be treated as unexcused. 9. Any employee who fails to report or call in for two (2) consecutive scheduled working days, who is not otherwise on an approved leave of absence, will be deemed to have voluntarily quit. 10. When permitted by law, the Company may require written medical evidence from a medical doctor prior to an em ployee’s returning to work after bein g absent for three (3) consecutive days or more. Employees with illness in excess of three (3) days must contact the HR Department to determine if their condition may be covered by FMLA. 11. During any three (3) year period a person who has received two (2) decision making leaves for accumulation of points may be subject to termination on the third occurrence of being given a decision- making leave. 12. Failure to clock in when reporting to work will result in an unexcused tardy and the assignment of one-half (1/2) point. It is the responsibility of the employee to make sure that he/she has his/her ID badge/timecard and has clocked in correctly. This applies if you forgot to clock in, lost your card, or if you left your card at home. Employees must let the supervisor/management know if they have failed to clock in or out so that the employee’s pay record can be updated. Employees who fail to clock in or out must fill out an Employee Time Change Authorization Form with the correct time authorizing the supervisor to enter the time in WFS. The form must be signed by both the employee and supervisor.

13. Taking a lunch more than thirty (30) minutes or taking a break in excess of fifteen (15) minutes will result in one-half (1/2) pts.

14. Any employee leaving work (clocking or signing out) before his or her scheduled ending time will be charged with an unexcused leaving early (1 point), unless approved in advance or such absence is due to legally protected activity. If an employee does not work at least one-half of their scheduled shift it will result in an unexcused absence (2 pts.).

Dated: 7/14/2024

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