FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook July 2024

In the absence of a specific agreement to the contrary, which must be authorized in writing by a representative of the Company that has actual authority to enter into the written contract, employment with and compensation from the Company are for no definite period of time and may ne terminated by the Company or the employee at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, and with or without notice. Any written or oral statements or promises to the contrary are hereby expressly disavowed and should not be relied upon by prospective or existing employees.


By my signature below, I have reviewed “A Word About the Company’s Personnel Policies”. I understand that the Company’s Personnel Policies are not to be construed as an employment contract or any other type of contract or as a guarantee of continuity of benefits or rights. I understand that, due to the nature of the Company’s operations and variations necessary to accommodate employee situations, these policies may not apply to every employee or to me in every situation. I agree that the Company may modify these or other policies relating to employment matters from time to time as it considers necessary in its sole discretion either in employee, facility-wide, or Company-wide situations without notice to me. I agree that these policies and procedures are to be interpreted and applied by the Company at its sole discretion, whose decisions in this regard will be final. I agree that, in the absence of an express written contact, my employment at the Company is for an indefinite term and terminable at the will of either myself or the Company for any lawful reason, at any time. My status as an “at-will” employee can be altered only by a written contract specific as to all material terms and signed by me and a representative of the Company that has actual authority to enter into the written contract.

_____________________________________________ Employee Printed Name

______________________________________________ Employee Signature

______________________________________________ Date

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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