FBC Jamestown Employee Handbook
2. Horseplay. This can include practical jokes, throwing product, wrestling, and/or using Company equipment for purposes other than those intended. 3. Failure to perform work in a timely, efficient, and/ or safe manner. 4. Disturbing other employees while they are working. 5. Soliciting for any purpose on Company property during the working time of either the employee soliciting or the employee being solicited, or distributing any type of literature during working time or at any time in work areas. Working time is the time employees are expected to be working and does not include free time such as meal periods or other authorized breaks. 6. Posting information on Company bulletin boards without prior approval of the HRBP. 7. Being in the interior of the plant or in other working areas unless you are reporting to work, on duty, or leaving work. 8. Bringing or allowing any non-employee on Company property without prior permission from management and appropriate adherence to the Visitor Access Policy. 9. Engaging in any conduct on Company property that creates a health, security, or safety risk. Rules 7 through 9 are designed to facilitate the safety and security of employees, visitors, and consumers while protecting the integrity of our products in accord dance with the Company’s global food safety initiatives, our policy on Food Safety and Employee Health, and our policy on Physical Facility Security. 10. Receiving or making excessive personal calls during working hours unless it is a legitimate emergency. Emergency calls must be made and received through the employee’s supervisor. This work rule also applies to the use of cellular telephones or any other communication device. Cell phones will not be allowed on the plant floor and must be kept in the employee’s locker or automobile. The use of cell phones is restricted to breaks in designated break or smoking areas. 11. Removing, damaging, defacing or covering any Company or Company-authorized postings. 12. Gambling on Company property or on working time. 13. Failure to clock in or out for work. 14. Overstaying a break. 15. Taking less than your assigned lunch break unless requested to do so by manage ment.
Page 6 of 12 Effective Date: April 1, 2023
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