FBC Jamestown Employee Handbook
Absent extenuating, confirmable circumstances, failure to report to work without notification to their supervisor for three (3) consecutive days will be considered job abandonment and a voluntary resignation. Absent extenuating, confirmable circumstances, failure to report to work without notification to their supervisor for three (3) individual occasions over the course of an employee’s tenure with the company will result in automatic termination no matter the number of accumulated occurrences an employee has. Failure to report to work after speaking with management to inform them of a tardy, will also constitute as a No Call/No Show. Listed below are the rules we must follow. Our disciplinary procedures are intended to correct problems, deter abuse and to prevent attendance and tardiness problems from developing. Disciplinary procedures concerning attendance problems follow the progressive step process outlined below. However, offenses are grouped into a point system over any twelve (12) month period. Listed below is an explanation of how points are assigned:
Each Tardy
= = = = = =
0.5 Point 1 Point 1 Point 2 Points 1 Points 3 Points
Each Incomplete Shift Each Excused Absence Each Unexcused Absence
Improper Notice of Absence/Tardy
Each No Call/No Show
Employees accumulating points will receive the disciplinary action indicated below for the number of points accumulated during any twelve (12) month period, as follows:
Number of points
Disciplinary Action Taken Documented in writing
1 - 2 2 - 3 3 - 4
Verbal Warning (documented in writing)
Written Warning
One (1) Day Suspension
4 or more
Excessive (defined below) excused absences may result in disciplinary action, depending upon the circumstances of each case. Where appropriate, employee with excessive number of excused absences may be required to take a leave of absence.
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