FBC Knoxville Employee Handbook

But, I thought I had FLEX-Days? Your Flex-Days are a carve out of your total PTO accrual. You used your total PTO accrual as soon as you got it, leaving you no bank to use as a FLEX-Day.

Example 4: You are a 4 year employee, earning 18 days of PTO throughout each year. You accrue 2.307692 hours of PTO per week, meaning it takes you almost 4 weeks to earn a day of PTO. You carried over 32 hours of PTO from 2019. In mid-January, you get the flu and are out 5 days. But, I thought I had FLEX-Days? You are required to use PTO for all time away from work. The 32 hours of PTO that you carried over plus the first 2 weeks accrual from January will be deducted from your PTO accrual for the 5 days that you were out. At the end of January, you will only have 4.6154 hours of PTO available. If you call in on February 1 and say you are taking a FLEX-Day, unless your GM allows you to use a personal holiday, you won’t have it and are subject to the attendance policy. ************************************* Your total PTO availability changes every week and you are responsible for knowing what PTO you have available. Your total accrued (available) PTO is on your paystub each week.

Hours are made available to you and it is up to you to manage them. Points can and will be assigned if you exhaust your available PTO and then need it for unforeseen circumstances.


● If you do not properly manage your PTO, you may find yourself without any PTO for prescheduled absences. Once your accrual is either exhausted or reduced to where there is not enough to cover your absence, you are subject to the attendance policy for any absences, even if they were scheduled in advance. ● All of your PTO is one accrual. We are carving 5 days out of your annual accrual that you may elect to use as unscheduled FLEX-Days. THESE DAYS ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY SET ASIDE FOR YOUR USE. Available FLEX-Days are either carried over as total PTO accrual from a previous year or accrued as total PTO over the course of the current year. Your available total PTO accrual will be reflected on your pay stub each week. We are reconfiguring our payroll and timekeeping systems so that the number of hours used as FLEX-Days YTD reflect on your pay stub each week. You will need to subtract that number from 40 to determine how many hours of FLEX-Days you have available and then compare that number to your total PTO accrual.

● Since you must use PTO for any time away from work, it is possible for you to exhaust your PTO availability without ever taking any FLEX-Days.

Once you have either exhausted those 5 days or exhausted any PTO time that you COULD HAVE USED AS FLEX-DAYS, you will still be charged PTO for any unscheduled absence but you will also be subject to the attendance policy below for unscheduled absences in excess of your 5 allowable unscheduled days. TIP: These days should be saved for when you truly need them. Your PTO Time is yours to use so you CAN burn through your them, but if you’re like most people, you WILL need them at some point. Hours are being made available to you for flexibility when

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