FBC New Orleans Employee Handbook
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
Our Company is a drug-free workplace that conducts pre-employment drug testing, post accident drug testing, random drug testing, and drug and alcohol testing for reasonable suspicion. We do not tolerate the violation of our Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy for any reason. Violations of the policy can pose a danger to you, your fellow employees, and our customers. It can also affect our company’s good will, good name and everyone's job security. Quite simply, neither the Company nor you can afford it! A copy of the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy is permanently posted on the bulletin board and is reviewed with each employee. If you have any questions concerning the policy, please discuss them with your supervisor or the director of human resources. Our bakery prepares and distributes food products to the public. A high standard of conduct and care is required from all of us. Our future success depends, in large measure, upon the responsible behavior and well being of our employees. Because we are in business of producing food products for the public, we must take every step possible to produce food of high quality and purity. The illegal use of drugs [1] and misuse of alcohol are directly contrary to our responsibilities to the public and inconsistent with law-abiding behavior, which is expected of everyone. Furthermore, we also use machinery, equipment, and tools that must be treated and operated very carefully and under complete control for the sake of the safety. In this regard, the • To be involved in the illegal use, possession, manufacture, distribution, dispensation or sale of drugs or drug paraphernalia on company property or while on company business, in a company-supplied vehicle, or during working hours--include breaks and meal periods. • To be involved in the illegal use, possession, manufacture, distribution, dispensation or sale of drugs or drug paraphernalia off company premises that the company determines may affect the employee's work performance, his or her own or others' workplace safety while working, or otherwise adversely affect the business. • To be involved in the use or possession of alcohol on company property. • To be involved in the use of alcohol off company premises that the company determines may affect the employee's work performance his/her own or others' workplace safety, or otherwise adversely affect the business. • To be "under the influence" due to the use of illegal drugs or alcohol on company property, in company supplied vehicles, or during working hours. [2] company fully complies with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. It is an absolute violation of company policy for any employee:
Effective: 10/15/2023
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