Franklin Baking Company Employee Handbook

30. All employees shall be issued a photo ID card and it shall remain on the employee at all times. 31. No personal cell phone allowed inside the processing rooms. Cell phone can only be used during break and lunch time. 32. All raw and packaging materials shall be rotated on First-In-First-Out (FIFO) basis. 33. Only use Metal Detectable Pens, which will be issued by your supervisors to record information on records. No records shall not be written on in pencil. 34. Use of white out or liquid eraser are not acceptable. When a mistake is made on a record, corrections can be made. This shall be completed with a neat single line through the mistake and then the initials of the person making the change. 35. Monitoring results must be truthfully documented and in a timely manner. 36. The use or possession of any type of tobacco products is prohibited in any manufacturing areas. 37. Bandage that are exposed and worn from the home shall be replaced with the metal detectable band aids provided by the company. Gloves that conform to the glove policy shall be worn over cuts, sores and any bandage applied to the hand. 38. Any employee who by medical examination or supervisory observation is shown to have, or appears to have an illness, by which there is a reasonable possibility of food, food contact surfaces, food ingredients, or food packaging materials becoming contaminated shall be excluded from any operation. Notify your supervisor immediately if you have contracted any contagious or communicable diseases. You must take a medical leave of absence until your physician certifies that you are cured. 40. All utility knives shall be approved and issued by Plant ESS Director. If knife is lost or misplaced; a Lost or Misplaced Utility Knife form shall be kept on file. 41. Maintain the break room and rest rooms clean all the time. It is everyone’s responsibility to clean up the break room after each break and after using the restroom. 39. No excessive perfume or after shave shall be worn.


Trash must be disposed of in the appropriate trash receptacles.

2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner

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