Mesa Organic Baking Company Employee Handbook
You must swipe your badge or clock in prior to performing any work and must swipe or clock out each time you leave work. If you make a mistake in your time in or out, notify your supervisor, who will correct and initial your time on the Kronos change report form. Employees are also required to initial the change. Clocking in or out early or late must be pre-approved by your supervisor (this includes lunch breaks). If you work unapproved overtime, you will be paid for all hours worked; but, you may be subject to corrective action for the unapproved overtime. Recording time for another employee or asking someone else to record yours is a violation of company rules. Report a lost ID badge or time card immediately to your supervisor. Your supervisor can clock you in and out until a replacement is made. Employees will be charged $5.00 for the remake of an ID badge. Each subsequent replacement of a lost ID badge will increase $5.00 progressively. However, if an ID badge is damaged or worn, it will be replaced free of charge.
New ideas are important in any growing organization. In your everyday work, you are the expert. You may think of changes that will improve quality, safety, and productivity or will otherwise benefit both you and the company. We welcome and appreciate any suggestions that you have that will improve the way in which we operate. Please feel free to discuss your ideas or suggestions with your supervisor or submit them in writing directly to the HR Department.
We strive for close cooperation among all employees, including supervisors and management. We believe this close working relationship is the best way to achieve success. Your management team is interested in you as a person. It is always our policy to listen to you whenever you have a question about your job, a policy, or a decision that affects you. We are firmly committed to fairness and consistency in all issues affecting you. We all must realize that the company’s strength and growth depends directly upon the contribution made by each of us. We also know that productivity and efficiency are affected by your job satisfaction and happiness. Experience has shown that most questions and concerns can be quickly resolved by discussion and mutual understanding. Simply stated, we hope you have no cause for concern, but if you feel you do, management is committed to answering your questions and attending to any complaints. While we encourage you to develop a good relationship with your supervisor, your concerns will be heard from your supervisor on up to the most senior management level. We encourage you to approach us whenever you have such concerns. If you do not feel comfortable discussing the problems within normal channels, you may call THE NETWORK , an anonymous reporting service used by hundreds of companies worldwide. This service is not intended as a substitute for speaking directly with management; however, it is an option that is always available even if you prefer not to give your name. The toll free number is 1-888-337-7524 and is available 7 days a week 24 hours a day.
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