Tolleson Employee Handbook

by law. All other personnel file documentation is the proprietary property of the Company and may not be copied or distributed, except for where legally required.

SENIORITY Length of continuous service is what we all know as seniority. The Company recognizes and rewards seniority in many of its policies and benefits. Seniority is considered in promotions and transfers and determines your preference for the purpose of vacation or PTO scheduling and the amount of vacation/PTO and other benefits to which you are entitled. In certain departments where shift work is required, seniority may be used to determine shift preference. In the case of a layoff, seniority will determine who may be recalled, providing the employee is qualified. Achievement awards and other programs also are contingent upon length of service. NEPOTISM & EMPLOYEE DATING The Company may hire relatives of current employees; however, members of immediate family may not be employed in the following situations: • If one employee would have supervisory authority over another • If one employee would be responsible for auditing or evaluating the other • In any other situation that would create an actual conflict of interest, reasonably foreseeable charges of favoritism, or possible disruption to the workplace This policy applies equally with regard to hiring, transfers, and promotions. “Immediate family” includes parents, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, children, grandparents, grandchildren, and in-laws. This policy also applies to those employees who are determined to have a close personal relationship. If an employee marries or develops a close personal relationship with another employee in violation of this policy, management will investigate the possibility of transferring one or both people to other suitable positions. If no transfer is available, or if either employee objects to a transfer, the employees involved will be permitted to determine which of them will resign. If the employees refuse to make that decision, the employee with the least seniority will be terminated. SHARING INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY Employees are not authorized to speak on behalf of the Company or share any information about the Company with the public without prior approval of the senior vice president of communications. Interviews with newspapers, magazines, radio, or television or speeches to groups or organizations can be interpreted as representing the Company or reflecting its position on any matter. For that reason, employees are required to seek prior approval before accepting any invitation to speak on behalf of the Company. If you are contacted by a reporter at any time, immediately direct them to the general manager or your human resources business partner. CONFIDENTIALITY All records and information relating to the Company’s customers and business are confidential. Employees may not remove or transfer any company information, documents, records, files, or computer files from the work site without authorization. Employees are not to disclose any confidential information, purposefully or inadvertently (through casual conversation) to any unauthorized person inside or outside the Company.


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