Baked Products Foods Group
No employee will be allowed to use more PTO hours than they have available in their PTO bank. Any
accrued, unused PTO time will be paid out to you at termination.
PTO MEANS MORE FLEXIBILITY TO YOU Our desire is to provide you the flexibility you need and want while curbing unplanned/unscheduled absences. Time away from work is no longer considered as “excused” or “unexcused;” instead, time away from work is viewed as “scheduled” or “unscheduled.” Under this PTO policy and our revised attendance policy, communication is a key component of making this increased flexibility work for you and for the company. Generally, time away from work will be considered as scheduled if your request for PTO is put in writing and approved by management at least two weeks prior to needing the time off. Existing rules about the number of people per shift/line who can be away from the bakery at one time will still apply and you are expected to comply with them. Q. How is this attendance policy different from what I currently have? A. Currently, you are assigned points for any absence that is not “excused.” Going forward, you will have a bank of Paid Time Off that you will be responsible for managing to better meet your needs. As long as you meet the notice and/or call-in procedures and do not exceed your allotment for either scheduled or unscheduled PTO, you will have paid time away from work with no penalty. Q. Can I bring a doctor’s excuse to excuse me when I am out sick? A. No, a doctor’s note does not excuse your being out sick. There is no need to excuse an absence if you are properly managing your unscheduled PTO. You are allowed 40 hours of your annual accrual to use on an unscheduled or emergency basis (see the discussion on FLEX-Days in the next section). Q. If I have PTO, why do I have an attendance policy? A. You are subject to the attendance policy under the following circumstances: 1) failing to meet the Company’s call-in requirements; 2) exceeding the number of hours you can be away from work on an unscheduled basis; and/or 3) exceeding your accrued PTO. Good attendance is a requirement of continued employment and employees are expected to manage their attendance record accordingly. Your available PTO is shown on your pay stub each week. The key to this PTO policy is that YOU have to responsibly manage your time away from work.
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