Baked Products Foods Group

Again, good communication is key. For time away from work to be considered as “scheduled,” your request must be put in writing using a PTO Request Form and approved by management at least one week prior to when you are requesting the PTO. Once a schedule has been posted, or the allowed number of people per shift/line have been approved for PTO, no more scheduled absences will be approved and any missed time will be considered as “unscheduled” and will count against your FLEX-Days. TIP: Communication is key to this policy. You should let your supervisor know your request AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Again, existing rules about the number of people per shift or line that can be absent do apply. Example 1: Your son is starting first grade in 1 month. You want to take him to school on his first day but it is a normally scheduled work day for you. As soon as you can, you need to complete a PTO request form asking for the day off and then give it to your supervisor for approval. PTO will cover the hours of your shift that you miss. It is also possible that your supervisor may grant you permission to trade shifts with someone. If you are able to successfully trade shifts for that day, no PTO use will be required. Example 2: You have a week of PTO scheduled and approved for a family cruise in 2 months. You have 60 hours of PTO left. One month before you leave, you get the flu and are out for 5 days, reducing your available PTO to 20 hours. You will not be able to accrue enough time over the next 30 days to gain the 20 hours needed to be paid for scheduled week. It is important that you manage your time. You may have to weigh the importance of what you want to do today with what you have scheduled later on in the year. Example 3: Your favorite sporting event is coming to town on a regularly scheduled work night for you. You put in your request for PTO in as soon as you know about it and your request is approved. Enjoy your paid night out! Again, if you receive permission to trade shifts and are successful in doing so, no PTO use will be required. STD WAITING PERIOD There is a 5-working day waiting period before disability benefits are paid. Employees that are on approved medical leave will be required to use PTO for the 5-working day disability benefits waiting period. This waiting period will NOT count toward FLEX-Days, even if your absence was unexpected. Best practice is to be aware of your PTO availability and budget your accrual (save some) in case you get sick. If you are a newer employee, you could also save your personal holidays until later in the year to assist you financially if you become unexpectedly ill. If you are sick and your absence is not FMLA qualifying (for example a stomach bug, dental issues, or the flu in most cases), you will accrue points if you have no PTO available. Absences are NOT excused/unexcused; however, if you have no PTO available, we will require a doctor’s excuse stating that you were restricted from working for the entire period of your absence. Only then, will we count the entire period as 1 absence and assign you 2 points. No points will be assigned.

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