Baked Products Foods Group

Flowers Foods, Inc. and its Subsidiaries Technology Device Policy

The use of computer hardware, software and mobile devices (“technology devices”) has become essential to conducting the Company ’s business in an effective and efficient manner. Howeve r, increased use of technology devices such as computer hardware, computer software, smartphones, laptops, tablets, portable internet devices and other portable information technology systems for text messaging, wireless internet access, image capture, video recording, sound recording, word processing, and information transmission exposes the Company to significant risks. As a result, it is mandatory that Employees adhere to the highest standards of conduct in their usage of these tools. All Employee use of Company-issued technology devices must align with the Company ’s Code of Conduct and related policies regarding confidentiality, security, privacy, records, retention, social media, and equal opportunity employment. The Company reserves the right to view, monitor, access, and retain all electronic communications and activity undertaken on a Company-issued technology device. Employees should have no expectation of privacy whatsoever in any message including email, text messages, instant messages, files, data, documents, facsimiles, telephone conversations, voice mails, social media posts or any other of kind of electronic communication received or transmitted on a Company-issued technology device. The Company permits personal use of Company-issued technology devices, however, such use should not hinder an Employee ’s ability to perform his/her job or to meet his/her work commitments. Should an Employee ’s technology device become lost, stolen, hacked, infected with a virus or experience a security breach, the Employee must notify the Company immediately (i.e., the Flowers IT HelpDesk and your supervisor). If this occurs, the Company reserves the right to remotely disable the technology device and/or repossess it for the purpose of remediation, forensic restoration, or other business purposes. Each Employee with a Company- issued technology device is personally responsible for retaining his/her electronic communications in accordance with the specific record retention policies that apply to the business records created and/or used by his/her department or business unit. Moreover, Company business should only be conducted on Company-issued technology devices and never on personal devices. All technology device files kept on other systems or storage devices which are subject to compulsory disclosure by subpoena or other lawful order of government officer(s), or discovery proceedings in a lawsuit, and the failure to disclose or produce such electronic files or the alteration or deletion of electronic files may subject the Employee and the Company to civil and/or criminal penalties. Accordingly, any such failure to disclose, alteration or deletion of files under this circumstance is strictly prohibited.


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