FBC Oxford Employee Handbook
ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK............................ 3 About Flowers Foods and the Company …………………………………..……4 Statement about the Company ’s Personnel Policies…………………………………………..5 You and Your Supervisor................................ 5 Equal Opportunity & Diversity......................... 6 Your Priorities …………………………………..6 Flowers’ Employment Principles ..................... 7 GENERAL POLICIES & PROCEDURES ...... 7 Pay Transparency and Non- Discrimination…. 7 Provision…………………………………………7 Employment .................................................... 8 Policy on Reduced Work Schedules .............. 8 Hours of Work…………………………………... 9 Timec ards/Time Sheets……………………….9 Employee Complaint Procedure……………..10 Suggestions from Employees ………………..10 Open Door Policy.......................................... 10 Peer Review Program................................... 11 Performance Reviews................................... 12 Internal Placement Policy ............................. 12 E-Newscenter, FLOconnect, Bulletin Boards ... 13 Human Resources Support .......................... 13 Seniority ........................................................ 14 Nepotism and Employee Dating ................... 14 Sharing Information about the Company...... 14 Confidentiality ............................................... 15 Use of Communication Systems .................. 15 Visitors and Plant Access…………………….1 7 Hygiene, Grooming, and Uniforms…………..1 7 Dress Code ................................................... 17 Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy .................... 18 Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy................... 18 Moonlighting Policy……………………………1 8 Parking.......................................................... 19 Break Room .................................................. 19 Lockers………………………………………….19 Training ......................................................... 19 Disciplinary Rules & Procedures .................. 19 Resignation Policy ........................................ 20 Code of Conduct ........................................... 20 Ethics Management System………………….20 Environmental………………………………….20 Sustainability................................................. 21 TOTAL REWARDS ...................................... 21 Our Pay and Benefits Philosophy ................. 21 Bonus Programs ........................................... 21 Pay Periods................................................... 22 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) ……..2 2 Reasonable Accommodation Medical Leave.. .......................................................... 23
Other Leaves of Absence ............................. 24 Personal Leave ...................................... 24 Military Leave ......................................... 24 Bereavement Leave ............................... 24 Parental Leave…………………………… 25 Medical Coverage ......................................... 25 Health Care Spending Accounts……………..26 Dental Coverage ........................................... 26 Flexible Spending Accounts ......................... 26 Life Insurance Coverage............................... 26 Short Term Disability…………………………. 26 Voluntary Benefits……………………………..2 6 COBRA and Conversion of Benefits………… 26 Vacation and Paid Time Off (PTO) ............... 27 Paid Holidays ................................................ 27 Employee Assistance Program..................... 28 Achievement Awards .................................... 28 Unemployment Insurance ............................. 28 Workers’ Compensation ............................... 28 Jury Duty ....................................................... 28 Flowers Employees Financial Services ........ 28 Education Assistance ................................... 29 Scholarship Program .................................... 29 Social Security .............................................. 30 Retirement Savings Plan — 401(k) ................ 30 SAFETY ........................................................ 30 Your Safety ................................................... 30 Emergency Procedures ................................ 31 Workplace Violence ...................................... 31
RECEIPT OF HANDBOOK .......................... 32
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
Thank you for taking the time to review this handbook. We are very pleased to have you on the Flowers team.
If you are new to our company, welcome you to our team. Flowers Foods, our parent company, is proud to be a leader in the packaged baked foods industry. We have achieved this position with hard work, strategic planning, and, most importantly, through the talent and dedication of our employees. The future growth and success of our company depends upon each of us focusing every day on producing high quality products that meet the needs of both our customers and consumers. As a company, we strive to provide the best opportunities and incentives so individually — and as a company — we can grow and prosper. We consider our employees to be one of our greatest assets. We strive to foster an environment in which everyone is included and in which good performance is rewarded. Our five guiding principles are integrity, quality, service, commitment, and innovation.
Whether you are a company veteran or a new employee, please know that you and your job are important to us. We appreciate the contribution that you make to our continued growth and success.
When you have a question, concern, or problem, you are encouraged to talk to your supervisor, human resources business partner, or to any member of senior management. Our doors are always open to you.
Again, thank you for what you do on behalf of our company every day. With our combined talents, abilities, and hard work, we can accomplish much together.
ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK This is the June 1, 2023 edition of the handbook for employees of Flowers Baking Company of Oxford (the Company) and it replaces all previous handbooks. This handbook will introduce you to the Company and answer most questions about our operations and policies. This handbook is important for you to review whether you are a new employee or have been working with the Company for many years. It covers most of the things you need to know about the Company --how we work, what we expect of you, and what you can expect from us — our policies, benefits, and procedures. The guidelines in this handbook will help you perform to the best of your abilities and develop your potential as one of our valued employees. Please read and become familiar with the contents of this handbook. All employees of the Company observe these guidelines. However, this handbook does not represent an ironclad statement of policy. Policies are subject to change as our jobs, our company, and the business environment changes. Flexibility is a key to survival in the business world. The Company will adopt new methods and procedures that enable us to serve our customers better, enhance our performance, and improve job security. Therefore, the Company may change or terminate any of the published or unpublished personnel policies, practices, or employee benefits without advance notice. In addition, neither this handbook, nor any other written or oral communication by any representative of the Company, nor any other form of communication between employees and the Company ’s representatives is intended in any way to create an employment contract, or any other contractual undertaking or obligation, binding on either the Company or any employee. This handbook supersedes all prior editions, all of which are null and void. If you have any questions after reading this handbook, please talk to your supervisor or another member of the Company ’s management team. We expect you to take the time to carefully study this handbook, refer to it often, and keep it in a convenient place for future reference. After all, it's your company and your future.
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
If you are a new employee, you also will have received a special fact sheet that offers a snapshot of Flowers Foods as a whole and highlights special team member programs. Please be sure to review this sheet.
Headq uartered in Thomasville, GA., Flowers Foods is one of the nation’s leading producers and marketers of packaged bakery foods for retail and foodservice customers. Among the Company ’s top brands are Nature’s Own, Dave’s Killer Bread, Canyon Bakehouse, Wonder Bread, Mrs. Freshley’s and Tastykake. Each bakery operates as a separate subsidiary of Flowers Foods and has its own leadership, including, but not limited to, Plant Manager, Human Resources Business Partner, and Controller. These bakeries produce, market, and/or distribute fresh bakery products through a direct-store-delivery system that serves 85% of the U.S. population. Flowers Foods’ bakeries also produce and distribute fresh snack cakes and froze n breads and rolls nationally through warehouse distribution. For more information, visit www.flowersfoods.com.
Dear Fellow Employee:
Thank you for taking the time to review this handbook. We are very pleased to have you on the Flowers team. If you are new to our company, I would like to personally welcome you to our team. Flowers Foods, our parent company, is proud to be a leader in the packaged baked foods industry. We have achieved this position with hard work, strategic planning, and most importantly, through the talent and dedication of our employees. The future growth and success of our company depends upon each of us focusing every day on producing high-quality products that meet the needs of both our customers and consumers. As a company, we strive to provide the best opportunities and incentives so individually — and as a company — we can grow and prosper.
We consider our employees to be one of our greatest assets. We strive to foster an environment in which everyone is included and in which good performance is rewarded. Our five guiding principles are integrity, quality, service, commitment, and innovation. Whether you are a company veteran or a new employee, please know that you and your job are important to us. We appreciate the contribution that you make to our continued growth and success. When you have a question, concern, or problem, I encourage you to talk to your supervisor, Human Resources Business Partner, or to any member of senior management. Our doors are always open to you. Again, I thank you for what you do on behalf of our company every day. With our combined talents, abilities, and hard work, we can accomplish much together.
Robin Collado
Plant Manager Flowers Baking Company of Oxford, Inc.
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
The information contained in this Handbook is designed as an advisory guide to assist the Company and our managers and supervisors with the effective management of personnel and is not meant to address every conceivable situation or issue that arises in the workplace. The provisions and guidelines contained in this Handbook and other policies are not binding on the Company and may be changed, interpreted, modified, revoked, suspended, terminated, or added to by the Company, in whole or in part, at any time, at the Company ’s sole option, and without prior notice to employees. Please understand that the Company cannot anticipate every type of circumstance and, thus, these polices are not intended to cover every situation which may arise or to create specific policy to be applied in every instance. Instead, these policies are intended only to give management general advice concerning personnel decisions. Of course, if any employee is subject to a collective bargaining agreement, that agreement supersedes any provisions of this Handbook that are in conflict. Also, as a basic premise, the Company will comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws. Since we operate in multiple states, we cannot list every situation where state and local laws and regulations may differ from those listed in these policies, but please understand that any practice or policy of the Company will be applied consistent with all applicable laws and regulations. In addition, nothing in this Handbook should be interpreted in a manner that unlawfully prohibits the right of employees to discuss the terms and conditions of employment with other employees or otherwise to engage in protected concerted activity under the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”). The Company respects the Section 7 rights of employees and has and always will comply fully with its obligations under the NLRA, and the Company emphasizes that the policies in this Handbook and any other Company policy do not intend to cover conduct engaged in by employees that is protected by the NLRA. Nothing contained in this Handbook is intended to create, comprise, or define, nor should it be construed to constitute, any type of oral or written employment contract, promise, or guarantee, express or implied, between the Company and any one or all of its employees. Nothing in this Handbook is intended to provide any assurance of continued employment or any guaranty of continuity of benefits or rights. You understand that you are an at-will employee and nothing in this Handbook or other documents shall be construed to change your at-will status or otherwise create any type of contractual right. In the absence of a specific agreement to the contrary, which must be authorized in writing by a representative of the Company that has actual authority to enter into the written contract, employment with and compensation from the Company are for no definite period of time and may be terminated by the Company or the employee at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, and with or without notice. Any written or oral statements or promises to the contrary are hereby expressly disavowed and should not be relied upon by prospective or existing employees. Employment-At-Will
No one wants you to succeed in your job more than your immediate supervisor. In the first few weeks or months you are on the job, your immediate supervisor and others at the Company will give to you one of their most valuable assets — time.
Supervisors have demonstrated the ability to work with others, to help those for whom they have responsibility, and to approach job issues objectively with a determination to act in the best interest of all concerned.
Because your performance directly affects your supervisor's performance, your supervisor will do everything in his or her power to help you succeed on your job. Keep your supervisor informed about the work you are doing. If there is anything adversely affecting your work, let your supervisor know about it, and he or she will work with you to deal with it promptly.
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
Your supervisor is your best source of information about your job and the Company. When you have a question about any job duty or about a company policy or procedure, do not hesitate to ask your supervisor.
The Company is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity. We believe that this is not just a legal obligation but a moral commitment based on simple fairness. In all of our employment practices, we are firmly committed to equal opportunity without regard to race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, citizenship, disability, veteran status or any other basis of discrimination prohibited by applicable state or federal law. Any employee who takes any action in violation of our equal employment opportunity policy is subject to appropriate disciplinary action, and we urge any employee who believes our policy is being violated to report the matter pursuant to the Employee Complaint Procedure. This commitment to equal employment opportunity also includes our continuing commitment to create a working environment free from all forms of harassment including sexual harassment. Any harassment, including sexual harassment, whether committed by management, non-management personnel, or visitors is strictly prohibited. An individual who feels that he or she has been a victim of any form of harassment, including sexual harassment, should immediately notify his or her supervisor or any other member of management. The Company will promptly investigate the claim and take appropriate corrective action, which may include discipline up to, and including, discharge of the offending party. Every employee is expected to respect the rights of others and to conform to this policy. We have an excellent work environment and we intend to keep it that way. The Company ’s Policy Against Harassment is posted on bulletin boards in all locations. Any employee who believes this policy is being violated should report the matter immediately pursuant to the Company ’s Employee Complaint Procedure. The Company fosters an environment of diversity that is inclusive, respectful, and fair. This environment is a vital part of our business processes and allows people of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to come together to reach common business and professional goals. Diversity broadens our perspective as a company and enriches our employees and partners as well as the communities in which we live.
In keeping with the Company ’s support of equal opportunity and diversity, Flowers Foods has made it a corporate initiative to recruit veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces for employment opportunities.
Our company must operate as a team to be profitable for our shareholders. As a member of the Flowers’ team, you should:
1. Perform work of the highest possible quality.
2. Work the required hours.
3. Practice safety and help maintain a safe working environment.
4. Contribute to the Company ’s strength to help ensure job security.
5. Take pride in your work and strive to improve all aspects of your performance.
6. Express any dissatisfaction in a proper manner to the appropriate member of management if a problem arises and provide that manager with a reasonable opportunity to solve your problem or address your concerns.
7. Cooperate with fellow employees, supervisors and management in a friendly, professional manner.
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
8. Abide by the rules and regulations of the Company, knowing that these rules benefit everyone.
As a Flowers’ team member, you can expect the Company to:
1. Respect the individual dignity of each and every employee.
2. Provide fair and equitable compensation to all employees.
3. Provide for the financial protection and economic security of employees through a balanced program of benefits.
4. Provide working conditions that promote employees’ health and safety.
5. Provide job security consistent with the general economic, business trends.
6. Provide training opportunities to all employees and encourage them to develop their abilities to the maximum.
7. Provide employees with a means of discussing freely any problems or concerns with management and strive to maintain the highest morale.
8. Reward and recognize seniority.
The Company will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed, or disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant. However, employees who have access to the compensation information of other employees or applicants as a part of their essential job functions cannot disclose the pay of other employees or applicants to individuals who do not otherwise have access to compensation information, unless the disclosure is (a) in response to a formal complaint or charge, (b) in furtherance of an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action, including an investigation conducted by the employer, or (c) consistent with the contractor’s legal duty to furnish information.
If you believe that you have experienced discrimination contact OFCCP 1.800.397.6251 | TTY 1.877.889.5627 | www.dol.gov/ofccp 200 CONSTITUTION AVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY: 1-877-889-5627 www.dol.gov/ofccp
Initial Employment Period
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
New employees go through an adjustment period as they learn their new job. During this 90-day introductory period, you and the Company have the opportunity to evaluate whether you and the job are a suitable match. Employees who complete this introductory period are not guaranteed employment for any specific period.
We hope that you will make the most of this "trial" period by learning your new job and demonstrating your ability and interest.
After 30 continuous days of employment, full-time employees become eligible for benefits.
Employment Classifications
Your job is classified as either hourly, non-exempt, or exempt.
Hourly and Non-exempt employees are paid overtime at the rate of time and one-half their regular rate of pay for all hours worked beyond 40 hours per week, in accordance with applicable wage and hour laws. You must maintain a record (through the C ompany’s time-keeping system) of the total hours you work each day. These hours must be accurately recorded and must reflect all regular and overtime hours worked, any absences, early or late arrivals, early or late departures and – if you are required to clock out – meal breaks. You must be paid for all hours that you work; therefore, it is a violation of the Company ’s policies for you to perform any work off the clock. In the unlikely event that your manager or supervisor asks you to work “off the clock,” report that immediately to the Human Resources Department.
It is also a violation of our work rules for any employee to “punch in” or to record time for another employee. Employees caught doing this will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
Exempt employees include salaried employees whose duties are executive, professional, sales, or other specific job categories. Exempt employees are not paid overtime for work performed beyond 40 hours in a regular week. This is in accordance with applicable wage and hour laws.
From time to time and under very limited circumstances, certain positions within the Company may lend themselves to restructuring for a reduced work schedule provided the restructuring does not cause an undue hardship on the Company, the department, or other employees of the Company. Any employee interested in working a reduced work schedule should make the request in writing to his or her department head, copying his or her immediate supervisor. The request must provide the reasons for needing a reduced work schedule and outline the employee’s vision for continued job performance that will meet the needs of the Company, the department, the employee, and all internal and external customers. Management will review all factors that have an influence on the reduced work schedule--business requirements, customer needs, employee work performance, future developments and trends, as well as th e department’s strategic plan. The department head and the human resources business partner will ensure that approval of the reduced schedule is granted in an equitable and consistent manner that promotes the best interests of the Company, the department, other affected departments, and employees while supporting company policy and any applicable federal and state laws. Once a reduced work schedule is granted, an employee wishing to make changes to the new schedule must follow the written procedures noted above. Any employee who requests to work a reduced schedule must currently be performing his or her job in a satisfactory manner, must have the ability to perform the job within the established time parameters, and must work with his or her supervisor and/or department head to establish a plan to ensure continued successful performance of the job. Performance appraisal will continue in accordance with company policy. Failure of a worker on a reduced schedule to meet performance guidelines may result in a return to a full time work schedule and/or disciplinary action, up to and including termination, depending on the extent of poor work performance.
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
Once approved for a reduced work schedule an employee’s salary will be prorated to reflect the reduced work schedule. Pay adjustments will be made in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws.
Working a reduced work schedule may affect your vacation or PTO accruals, eligibility for benefits, and 401(k) vesting credit. Please see your Human Resources representative for additional information.
This policy is not to be construed as the Company ’s intent to establish a job sharing policy, a work-from-home policy, or a flex-time policy. However, the Company does understand that to successfully manage work-life issues, some employees may wish to work a reduced schedule. Because of the nature of our business, a reduced work schedule will not be allowed in some departments because business necessity will preclude the success of a reduced schedule.
The continuation of the Policy on Reduced Work Schedules is at the Company ’s sole discretion and the program can be terminated at any time with two weeks ’ notice.
Our customers demand fresh bakery products as do the consumers that purchase our products in grocery stores or through foodservice channels. Think about it… would you buy a stale bakery product? Companies that sell stale, low-quality bakery products never stay in business long and can’t provide their employees with job security. For that reason, the Company is forced to operate our business outside the normal 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday work schedule. We also work on holidays. Again, the reason we must do this is simple: Our jobs depend upon the freshness and availability of our products! Your specific working hours will depend upon the work schedule of your department. The department supervisor creates the work schedule and will communicate the work week to all employees. Your supervisor will explain how breaks, including meal breaks, are provided. Sometimes, we must delay a scheduled break to meet the needs of our customers. An employee who works an eight-hour shift is entitled to two 20-minute breaks, an employee who works a 10 hour shift is entitled to two 25-minute breaks and an employee who works a twelve hour shift is entitled to three 25 minute breaks. Seasonal or market fluctuations may cause v ariations in employees’ workloads. We offer overtime to individuals in accordance with our come in/stay over policy. If no one voluntarily chooses to work overtime, it will be necessary to assign the overtime to employees to get the job done according to our come in/stay over policy. Whenever overtime is anticipated, every effort is made to provide advanced notice. Every reasonable effort will be made to distribute overtime as fairly as possible among all employees. Overtime will be paid to hourly and salaried non-exempt employees for all time worked over 40 hours per week. The federal wage and hour laws require accurate record keeping of work time and pay. Your ID badge or timecard records your work time, assuring you of proper payment for the correct amount of time worked. Since this is your only proof, you must record your time accurately. Your supervisor will explain how to record your time properly. You must swipe your badge or clock in prior to performing any work and must swipe or clock out each time you leave work. If you make a mistake in your time in or out, notify your supervisor, who will correct and initial your time. Clocking in or out early or late must be pre-approved by your supervisor (this includes lunch breaks). If you work unapproved overtime, you will be paid for all hours worked; but, you may be subject to corrective action for the unapproved overtime. In general, breaks are scheduled according to the number of hours worked and are not deducted from time worked. TIMECARDS / TIME SHEETS
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
Recording time for another employee or asking someone else to record yours is a violation of company rules.
Report a lost ID badge or timecard immediately to your supervisor. Your supervisor can clock you in and out until a replacement is made.
The Company values its employees and wants to ensure that employee concerns are timely reviewed and addressed.
If you feel or perceive that you have experienced or witnessed 1) harassment, 2) discrimination, 3) the improper denial of a request for accommodation, 4) the improper denial of requested leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or otherwise, 5) retaliation, 6) failure to pay overtime or other violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) or other federal, state or local wage payment laws, or 7) any other unlawful or inappropriate conduct by anyone, including an employee, supervisor, manager, coworker, contractor, subcontractor, vendor, client, visitor, customer, agent, or other third party, you are to notify immediately (preferably in writing within 24 hours) your Human Resources Business Partner. If you are not contacted promptly about your complaint or are not satisfied with the response, you should report your complaint to your Plant Manager or to the Flowers Ethics & Compliance Hotline at 1-888-337-7524, ethicsofficer@flocorp.com, or speakup.flowersfoods.com.
New ideas are important in any growing organization. In your everyday work, you are the expert. You may think of changes that will improve quality, safety, and productivity or will otherwise benefit both you and the Company. We welcome and appreciate any suggestions that you have that will improve the way in which we operate. Please feel free to discuss your ideas or suggestions with your supervisor or submit them in writing directly to your human resources business partner or HR Department.
We strive for close cooperation among all employees, including supervisors and management. We believe this close working relationship is the best way to achieve success.
Your management team is interested in you as a person. It is always our policy to listen to you whenever you have a question about your job, a policy, or a decision that affects you. We are firmly committed to fairness and consistency in all issues affecting you.
We all must realize that the Company ’s strength and growth depends directly upon the contribution made by each of us. We also know that productivity and efficiency are affected by your job satisfaction and happiness.
Experience has shown that most questions and concerns can be quickly resolved by discussion and mutual understanding. Simply stated, we hope you have no cause for concern, but if you feel you do, management is committed to answering your questions and attending to any complaints. While we encourage you to develop a good relationship with your supervisor, your concerns will be heard from your supervisor on up to the most senior management level. We encourage you to approach us whenever you have such concerns. NOTE: Employee complaints regarding employee workplace conduct, such as harassment, discrimination, improper denial of or a request for accommodation/requested leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or otherwise, wage and hour violations, and retaliation, are not to be
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
reported by using the procedure in this Open Door policy and, instead, must be reported in accordance with the protocol identified in the Employee Complaint Procedure.
If you do not feel comfortable discussing the problems within normal channels or you have utilized the Employee Complaint Procedure and do not feel your problem has been resolved effectively, you may speak with your Plant Manager or you may call the Flowers Foods Ethics & Compliance Hotline. The Flowers Foods Ethics & Compliance Hotline is not intended as a substitute for speaking directly with management; however, it is an option that is always available even if you prefer not to give your name. The Hotline is available 7 days a week 24 hours a day and can be contacted via any of the following:
Internet : speakup.flowersfoods.com Telephone : (888) 337-7524 Email : ethicsofficer@flocorp.com Mailing Address : PO Box 6201, Thomasville, Georgia 31758
Although most questions or concerns can be resolved through the informal open door process, we have established a more formal Peer Review Program (PRP) whereby an hourly or non-exempt employee may appeal to an internal review panel for settlement of any complaint or perceived hardship situation related to the following personnel actions or lack of action:
1. A disciplinary act, including termination
2. Pay or benefits dispute (non ERISA plans)
3. Promotion / demotion / reassignment / layoff dispute
4. Working conditions, including but not limited to the following:
• Equal opportunity, discrimination or harassment concerns
Safety or security concerns
• Any other concern that ends in a dispute whereby affected individuals feel they have been wronged or the Company was unfair
There are three steps involved in the Peer Review Process.
STEP ONE An individual with a complaint or problem must first attempt to settle the matter using the Open Door Policy. If the individual fails to receive satisfaction from this effort, he or she may then request a review of the complaint or problem using the Peer Review Policy process. He or she can initiate the process by completing an Employee Request for PRP Panel Review form. This must be done within 10 days of the event or action that caused the concern. Request forms are available from the Human Resources Department. STEP TWO The Peer Review Policy process continues when the Human Resources Department receives a completed Employee Request for PRP Panel Review form from an individual. Then the PRP panel, consisting of three hourly or non-exempt employees and two exempt employees, is selected by the following method. • Selection of Hourly or Non-exempt Employees Panel Members: The individual with a complaint or problem draws five 5 names from the hourly or non-exempt employee PRP pool and chooses 3 from the 5 to serve on the panel.
• Selection of Exempt Employee Panel Members – The individual draws 4 names from the exempt employee PRP pool and chooses 2 from the 4 to serve on the panel.
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
STEP THREE The five-member panel meets to consider and discuss the case. The peer review process ends when a decision by the panel is rendered (based on a majority vote by secret ballot), normally within 10 days. The decision is then communicated to all parties and the department head, who will review the decision. A rejection of the panel decision by the PRP Appeals Committee can only occur when the decision is unlawful, is contrary to published company policies and procedures, or would compromise or otherwise be detrimental to the Company ’s trademark or proprietary information and therefore adverse to the best interest of employees. It is our intent, to the extent possible, to keep matters brought and addressed under the Peer Review Program confidential. Furthermore, no employee will be subject to any form of retaliation or discipline for processing a complaint or problem under this procedure.
To assist you in performing your job to the best of your abilities, it is important that the Company recognize good performance and provide appropriate suggestions for improvement when needed. For that reason, your supervisor will evaluate your work performance on an ongoing basis. Good performance reviews are not a guarantee of salary increases, career advancement, or continued employment. All formal performance reviews will be based upon Flowers organizational competencies and how your performance supports company and department goals. If you need to discuss your work with your supervisor, you may request an informal review at any time.
An integral part of the Flowers philosophy is our commitment to promote proven performers from within our company. The purpose of the Internal Placement Policy is to establish guidelines and provide a formal vehicle for individuals to indicate their interest in advancement opportunities with the Company, and to assist management when making promotion decisions. An individual may successfully move into a new position only once every 6 months. If an individual is unable to perform the new job successfully during the trial period, the individual will be reassigned to such work as may be available. The opening will then be filled by selecting from the individuals who also requested to be considered for the opening. The job/position of the second individual who moves will be posted to be filled by the Internal Placement Policy. The job/position of the third individual who moves will be filled by the Company. An exception to this Internal Placement Policy may occur when it is necessary to fill several jobs/positions at one time or the open position is one of a high level. In such cases, new employees may be used to fill additional openings. A more restrictive policy could cause delays that may harm the quality or quantity of our work and, consequently, everyone's job security. 1. When an opening occurs or is anticipated to occur in the near future, a Notice of Employment Opening is posted on a centrally located bulletin board. This notice provides the job title, department, shift, supervisor, and general job requirements and where required by law, pay range. Certain management jobs and jobs requiring special training, experience, technical skills or education may not be posted. 2. Individuals who are interested in the job and believe they are qualified and can perform the essential functions of the position with or without accommodations should give a written notice to management of their desire to be considered for the job by completing a Notification of Interest in an Employment Opening . General Overview
3. Management will review the qualifications and abilities of individuals who have indicated their interest.
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
4. Qualifications will include, but not be limited to, such factors as demonstrated skills related to the job, ability to perform essential job functions, prior experience and training, prior job performance, attendance record, and disciplinary record. The Human Resources Department will review the essential job functions with the candidate, and if appropriate, reasonable accommodations will be determined and made, if possible. If the candidates are deemed equally qualified, company seniority is then considered. 5. If an individual is selected from those indicating an interest in a position, it will be necessary for that individual to adjust to the new job to evaluate the individual's performance in the job. A four-week trial period will be used. If an individual is unable to successfully perform the new job during the trial period, the individual will be reassigned to such work as may be available. The opening will then be filled by selecting from the employees who originally requested to be considered for the opening, if possible.
6. If no one indicates interest in the job opening or if no one showing interest meets the above-mentioned qualifications, the Company will seek individuals from outside sources to fill the position.
The applicable department head will review the selection process with any individual who does not understand the placement procedure or the decision in the matter. If the individual is not satisfied, he or she may request a meeting with the human resources business partner.
Flowers’ electronic newscenter— or E-Newscenter — provides employees with company news and information that is updated daily or more frequently as needed. On the corporate news page, you will find news about Flowers Foods and its subsidiaries, the baking and food industries, and other interesting information. On the local Flowers home office news page, you can read about what is going on around the home office, learn about birthdays, service anniversaries, and other team member news.. All messages for the local home office page must be submitted to Human Resources for approval and posting.
You may access E-News through the Internet browser on your company computer or the E-News monitor located in each home office location. You are strongly encouraged to read the E-Newscenter at least once a day.
FLOconnect, Flowers’ intranet site, offers a wealth of information and is accessible through work and home computers. Latest company news and information is posted to the FLOconnect home page, and you can access the E- News pages of all Flowers’ subsidiaries from the site. The FLOinfo tab on FLOconnect will take you to a number of pages with interesting company facts, including bakery fact sheets, awards, and FLOTV.
FLOconnect also is the way you access your pay statements and vacation or PTO balance.
Company bulletin boards are maintained for the posting of work-related announcements (legal notices, safety bulletins, company activities, policies and procedures) and other notices of general interest. Human Resources is responsible for all bulletin boards. Material for posting on company boards should be submitted to the human resources business partner for approval and posting. Any material posted without proper approval will be removed and the person(s) responsible may be subject to disciplinary action.
The Human Resources Department is available to answer questions you may have and to provide assistance in many ways. Keeping you informed about the details of personnel policies and the various employee benefit programs is one of its most important responsibilities. For various reasons, the Human Resources Department must maintain up-to-date personnel records for all employees. Your marital status, a new home or mailing address, a different telephone number, new dependents, change in insurance beneficiaries, additional education, whom to notify in case of emergency, etc. are all changes that you can make privately in FLOconnect. FLOconnect is also the way you access your pay statements and PTO accrual balance and update your personal information. Your Human Resources representative can show you how to navigate around FLOconnect and use the services it offers.
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
The Human Resources Department maintains a complete, confidential personnel file covering your status and progress while employed.
As required by law, employees have the right to examine and copy any medical records pertaining to them that are on file in the Human Resources Department. However, these medic al records, (referred to as “Protected Health Information”) may not be used for any reason other than health plan administration or except as required by law. All other personnel file documentation is the proprietary property of the Company and may not be copied or distributed, except for where legally required.
Length of continuous service is what we all know as seniority. The Company recognizes and rewards seniority in many of its policies and benefits.
Seniority is considered in promotions and transfers and determines your preference for the purpose of vacation or PTO scheduling and the amount of vacation/PTO and other benefits to which you are entitled. In certain departments where shift work is required, seniority may be used to determine shift preference. In the case of a layoff, seniority will determine who may be recalled, providing the employee is qualified. Achievement awards and other programs also are contingent upon length of service.
The Company may hire relatives of current employees; however, members of immediate family may not be employed in the following situations:
• If one employee would have supervisory authority over another
• If one employee would be responsible for auditing or evaluating the other
• In any other situation that would create an actual conflict of interest, reasonably foreseeable charges of favoritism, or possible disruption to the workplace
This policy applies equally with regard to hiring, transfers, and promotions. “Immediate family” includes parents, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, children, grandparents, grandchildren, and in-laws. This policy also applies to those employees who are determined to have a close personal relationship. If an employee marries or develops a close personal relationship with another employee in violation of this policy, management will investigate the possibility of transferring one or both people to other suitable positions. If no transfer is available, or if either employee objects to a transfer, the employees involved will be permitted to determine which of them will resign. If the employees refuse to make that decision, the employee with the least seniority will be terminated.
Employees are not authorized to speak on behalf of the Company or share any information about the Company with the public without prior approval of the senior vice president of communications. Interviews with newspapers, magazines, radio, or television or speeches to groups or organizations can be interpreted as representing the Company or reflecting its position on any matter. For that reason, employees are required to seek prior approval before accepting any invitation to speak on behalf of the Company. If you are contacted by a reporter at any time, immediately direct them to the plant manager or your human resources business partner.
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
All records and information relating to the Company ’s customers and business are confidential. Employees may not remove or transfer any company information, documents, records, files, or computer files from the work site without authorization. Employees are not to disclose any confidential information, purposefully or inadvertently (through casual conversation) to any unauthorized person inside or outside the Company.
The Company provides numerous types of communications systems, such as fax machines, on-line and Internet services, voice mail, electronic mail, cellular phones, priority mail, and delivery services. All such communication systems are the sole property of the Company and are provided for business purposes. The Company reserves the right to inspect and monitor any incoming and outgoing correspondence received or sent by an employee to or from the Company ’s premises or received or sent using company equipment, with or without notice from the Company. No employee has any personal privacy rights to any such communication.
All existing company policies regarding employee conduct apply to use of the Company communication systems, including the policy against harassment.
The Company provides Internet and e-mail access for business use only. Every employee is responsible for maintaining the Company ’s public image and must use company e-mail and Internet access in a manner that reflects well on the Company. The Company recognizes there will be occasional personal use on lunch breaks and during non-working hours, but this use must not be excessive or unreasonable, and the employee acknowledges that their personal use of company Internet and e-mail is not private and subject to monitoring by the Company. Most communication services and equipment have toll charges or other usage-related expenses. Employees should be aware of these charges and expenses and should consider cost and efficiency needs when choosing the proper way for each business communication. Employees should consult their supervisor if there is a question about the proper mode of communication. • All messages composed, sent, or received on the Flowers’ e-mail system are the property of the Company. Personal employee communications are not the private property of any employee and no employee has any personal privacy rights to any such communications. • The e-mail system may not be used for outside commercial ventures, religious or political causes, or other non-job-related solicitations. • Employees are not to use the Internet or Flowers’ e -mail system to create messages containing sexual implications, racial slurs, or crude content. These types of messages will be considered offensive and are subject to the Company ’s Harassment Policy. In today’s connected world, social media and other electronic communication play an important role in how we communicate. Electronic communication means any form of communication by electronic means including emailing, instant messaging, testing posting or sharing through external social networking platforms such as Facebook®, Twitter®, Linked in®, Instagram®, YouTube®, TikTok®, blogs, wikis, etc. Electronic communication covered under the Company ’s Social media & Electronic Communications policy also includes internal Flowers’ branded communications platforms such as Flowers’ hosted email, the intranet (FLOConnect), Microsoft Teams, and Sharepoint. The Company ’s policies a nd the law require that we be thoughtful users of electronic communication and social media and to carefully consider what we choose to communicate. Employee misuse of these platforms can pose risks to the Company ’s confidential corporate information, its reputation and brands, and can run the Company afoul of business laws and regulations. RESPONSIBLE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL MEDIA USE
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
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