FBC Oxford Employee Handbook

4. Qualifications will include, but not be limited to, such factors as demonstrated skills related to the job, ability to perform essential job functions, prior experience and training, prior job performance, attendance record, and disciplinary record. The Human Resources Department will review the essential job functions with the candidate, and if appropriate, reasonable accommodations will be determined and made, if possible. If the candidates are deemed equally qualified, company seniority is then considered. 5. If an individual is selected from those indicating an interest in a position, it will be necessary for that individual to adjust to the new job to evaluate the individual's performance in the job. A four-week trial period will be used. If an individual is unable to successfully perform the new job during the trial period, the individual will be reassigned to such work as may be available. The opening will then be filled by selecting from the employees who originally requested to be considered for the opening, if possible.

6. If no one indicates interest in the job opening or if no one showing interest meets the above-mentioned qualifications, the Company will seek individuals from outside sources to fill the position.

The applicable department head will review the selection process with any individual who does not understand the placement procedure or the decision in the matter. If the individual is not satisfied, he or she may request a meeting with the human resources business partner.


Flowers’ electronic newscenter— or E-Newscenter — provides employees with company news and information that is updated daily or more frequently as needed. On the corporate news page, you will find news about Flowers Foods and its subsidiaries, the baking and food industries, and other interesting information. On the local Flowers home office news page, you can read about what is going on around the home office, learn about birthdays, service anniversaries, and other team member news.. All messages for the local home office page must be submitted to Human Resources for approval and posting.

You may access E-News through the Internet browser on your company computer or the E-News monitor located in each home office location. You are strongly encouraged to read the E-Newscenter at least once a day.

FLOconnect, Flowers’ intranet site, offers a wealth of information and is accessible through work and home computers. Latest company news and information is posted to the FLOconnect home page, and you can access the E- News pages of all Flowers’ subsidiaries from the site. The FLOinfo tab on FLOconnect will take you to a number of pages with interesting company facts, including bakery fact sheets, awards, and FLOTV.

FLOconnect also is the way you access your pay statements and vacation or PTO balance.

Company bulletin boards are maintained for the posting of work-related announcements (legal notices, safety bulletins, company activities, policies and procedures) and other notices of general interest. Human Resources is responsible for all bulletin boards. Material for posting on company boards should be submitted to the human resources business partner for approval and posting. Any material posted without proper approval will be removed and the person(s) responsible may be subject to disciplinary action.


The Human Resources Department is available to answer questions you may have and to provide assistance in many ways. Keeping you informed about the details of personnel policies and the various employee benefit programs is one of its most important responsibilities. For various reasons, the Human Resources Department must maintain up-to-date personnel records for all employees. Your marital status, a new home or mailing address, a different telephone number, new dependents, change in insurance beneficiaries, additional education, whom to notify in case of emergency, etc. are all changes that you can make privately in FLOconnect. FLOconnect is also the way you access your pay statements and PTO accrual balance and update your personal information. Your Human Resources representative can show you how to navigate around FLOconnect and use the services it offers.


Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023

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