FBC Oxford Employee Handbook
Employees seeking to use FMLA leave are required to provide:
• 30-day advance notice in writing of the need to take FMLA leave when the need is foreseeable. This notice must include the reason(s) for the leave, the dates of leave (including times for any reduced work week), and supporting documents. This notice must be signed by the employee.
• Medical certification supporting the need for leave due to a serious health condition affecting the employee or an FMLA qualifying immediate family member (spouse, child or parent).
• Second or third medical opinions and periodic re-certification (if requested by the Company, at the Company's expense). The Company reserves the right to select the health care provider(s) of its own choosing where permissible. • Periodic reports during FMLA leave regarding the employee's status and intent to return to work. The reporting follows the Company ’s Medical Leave Policy. To remain eligible for FMLA leave and all benefits due under FMLA, the employee must provide written request of continued leave and their intent to remain on FMLA status to the Human Resources Department on or before the 10th day of each month commencing the date the leave is approved. Failure to do so will be deemed voluntary resignation of employment. Generally, an eligible employee who takes FMLA leave returns to the same position held when the leave started or to an equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment. Employees returning to work from a serious health condition must have a written "return to work" notice from a qualified health care provider.
Employees will be required to follow the Company ’s Absence Reporting Policy.
Employees will be required to substitute any accrued paid leave for any unpaid FMLA leave such as leave to care for the serious health condition of a covered family member or for any unpaid waiting periods.
The Company may grant an employee a reasonable accommodation medical leave of absence (medical leave) in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), with medical documentation supporting the employee’s need for leave. An employee’s medical leave should not normally exceed fifty-two (52) weeks unless additional leave would be considered a reasonable accommodation under the ADA. If the employee is eligible and the employee’s need for medical leave is a Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) qualifying condition , FMLA leave and the first 12 weeks of the medical leave will run concurrently. While on medical leave, you may be eligible for supplemental pay under the Company ’s short term disability plan. If approved for this benefit, you will be eligible for this benefit for up to 26 weeks, with continuing medical documentation provided to and approved by the Company ’s third -party administrator under our advice to pay program. See your HR Business Partner for additional information. If, at the end of 26 weeks you are unable to return to work and perform the essential functions of a job for which you are qualified, with or without a reasonable accommodation, your supplemental pay will cease. You will then be moved to inactive status for the remainder of your medical leave. At that time, benefits will cease and you will be offered COBRA continuation coverage. An employee who exhausts the 52-week medical leave will be asked to participate in an interactive process to determine if the employee can be reasonably expected to return to work in the near future, and if so, what reasonable accommodation(s) might be needed to allow the employee to perform their job. In this instance, a reasonable accommodation might be that an employee’s leav e is extended beyond the 52 week period until such time that the employee can return to work with or without restrictions. This reasonable accommodation determination will be made on a case-by-case basis.
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
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