FBC Oxford Employee Handbook

Immediate Family Defined

Immediate family members are defined as an employee's spouse, parent, children, siblings, grandparents, or grandchildren. All immediate family relationships recognize and include relatives that may be half, step, or current in-laws.

Additional Paid Time Off

The Company understands the deep impact that death can have on an individual or a family, therefore additional paid time off may be needed. The employee may make arrangements with his or her manager to take additional time through his or her available vacation or PTO bank. Additional vacation/PTO may also be granted depending on circumstances such as distance, the individual's responsibility for the funeral arrangements, and the employee's responsibility for taking care of the estate of the deceased.

Additional unpaid time off may also be granted if the employee has exhausted his or her available vacation/PTO bank.

Individual employee circumstances may be discussed with the employee's manager and Human Resources. It is the Company's intention to support employees during their times of grief and bereavement.


The Company will offer ten days of paid parental leave to any benefit-eligible employee for the birth, adoption, or fostering of a child. This benefit is provided on an individual basis, so if both parents work for the Company, each parent is entitled to parental leave. Parental leave may be taken in single day increments, in separate week-long increments, or as one continuous 10-day leave but must be used within six (6) months of the birth or placement of the child for adoption or foster. Parental leave benefits may not be requested more than twice in a calendar year.

If the employee is FMLA- eligible, the use of parental leave will also count toward the employee’s annual FMLA entitlement.

If an employee is not FMLA-eligible or has exhausted FMLA, he or she is still eligible for the parental leave benefit.

Although not a requirement, it is suggested that if the birth-parent is our employee, the birth parent use parental leave for the Short Term Disability (STD) waiting period, week 1. Then, STD and parental leave will then run concurrently for the next week, week 2. Week three through the end of the STD period will then be paid with STD benefits, if approved. Parental leave may also be used as the STD waiting period if an employee is placed out of work during a pregnancy. Since parental leave is an event-based benefit (meaning 10 days per pregnancy or birth), in this example the birth-parent will have 5 days of parental leave remaining after the birth, even if the birth event is in a different calendar year.

Proper documentation must be presented to claim this benefit (e.g., a birth certificate, an adoption certificate, or a letter from the foster care agency).


Medical coverage is an important part of your total rewards package. The Company provides two medical plans. Both allow you to proactively manage your health and choose from a broad network of providers. The


Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023

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