DKB part 1

partner or falsifying a time record in any way is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination. Report any lost or damaged badge to your supervisor and Human Resources immediately. You are able to use the time clock to clock in/out using 1000 and your employee number or fill out a change form until you are issued a new ID Badge. Travel Time Except when applicable law differs, hourly or non-exempt partners should consider the time spent traveling between their regular worksite (bakery or depot) and any other meeting site as hours worked. It is expected that you and your manager will schedule travel time to occur during your regularly scheduled work time whenever possible, to minimize overtime costs.


Meal Periods All non-exempt and hourly partners who work a shift of six (6) hours or more are required to take an unpaid thirty (30) minute meal period. Partners should be completely relieved of their job responsibilities during their meal periods. Partners must clock in and out for their meal periods.

No Company manager or supervisor is authorized to instruct or approve a partner’s wish to forego a meal or rest period. Any such action should be reported to Human Resources immediately.

Rest Periods The Company provides all partners with ten (10) minute rest period(s) based on Oregon labor law – see chart below. Rest and meal periods should generally be taken in the middle of each work period. Rest periods may not be combined with meal periods.

Numbers of Meal and Rest Periods Required Based on Length of Work Period

Number of

Number of

Length of work period

rest breaks

meal periods



2 hrs. or less



2 hrs. 1 min - 5 hrs. 59 min



6 hrs.



6 hrs. 1 min - 10 hrs.



10 hrs. 1 min - 13 hrs.



*Note: In Oregon, manufacturing partners may not work more than 13 hours in any given day (12:01 am to midnight); must be scheduled to provide 10 hours of rest between the end and start of shifts; and limit the number of weekly hours employees may work to a maximum of 55 per workweek unless the employee requests or consents in writing to work up to 60 hours in one workweek.


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