DKB part 1


The Company values its employees and wants to ensure that employee concerns are timely reviewed and addressed.

If you feel or perceive that you have experienced or witnessed 1) harassment, 2) discrimination, 3) the improper denial of a request for accommodation, 4) the improper denial of requested leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or otherwise, 5) retaliation, 6) failure to pay overtime or other violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) or other federal, state or local wage payment laws, or 7) any other unlawful or inappropriate conduct by anyone, including an employee, supervisor, manager, coworker, contractor, subcontractor, vendor, client, visitor, customer, agent, or other third party, you are to notify immediately (preferably in writing within 24 hours) your Human Resources Business Partner. If you are not contacted promptly about your complaint or are not satisfied with the response, you should report your complaint to your General Manager or to the Flowers Ethics & Compliance Hotline at 1-888 337-7524,, or


New ideas are important in any growing organization. In your everyday work, you are the expert. You may think of changes that will improve quality, safety, and productivity or will otherwise benefit both you and the Company. We welcome and appreciate any suggestions that you have that will improve the way in which we operate. Please feel free to discuss your ideas or suggestions with your supervisor or submit them in writing directly to your human resources business partner or HR Department.


We strive for close cooperation among all employees, including supervisors and management. We believe this close working relationship is the best way to achieve success.

Your management team is interested in you as a person. It is always our policy to listen to you whenever you have a question about your job, a policy, or a decision that affects you. We are firmly committed to fairness and consistency in all issues affecting you. We all must realize that the Company’s strength and growth depends directly upon the contribution made by each of us. We also know that productivity and efficiency are affected by your job satisfaction and happiness. Experience has shown that most questions and concerns can be quickly resolved by discussion and mutual understanding. Simply stated, we hope you have no cause for concern, but if you feel you do, management is committed to answering your questions and attending to any complaints. While we encourage you to develop a good relationship with your supervisor, your concerns will be heard from your supervisor on up to the most senior management level. We encourage you to approach us whenever you have such concerns. NOTE: Employee complaints regarding employee workplace conduct, such as harassment, discrimination, improper denial of or a request for accommodation/requested leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or otherwise, wage and hour violations, and


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