DKB part 1
To ensure the protection of all employees, the Company has an Emergency Action Plan that is implemented in emergency situations such as a fire, bomb threat, or severe weather. Emergency procedures and the evacuation route for your department are posted throughout the buildings or available from your supervisor. It is extremely important for you to be aware of the Emergency Action Plan and know what the Company expects you to do during an emergency. Please see your supervisor or the Human Resources Department for more information on this plan.
The Company encourages a professional workplace where employees are treated respectfully. The Company will not tolerate acts of physical violence or acts of intimidation. Any instance of violence must be reported to an employee’s supervisor so the complaint can be fully investigated. No employee is to bring a firearm, explosive, or weapon of any kind on to company property in violation of any applicable state laws. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate discharge.
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