FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)
Employee Handbook 2024
FBC Jacksonville
Employee Name ___________________________
Date __________________
WORK POLICIES Flowers’ Mission and Values Personnel Practices Statement Employee Complaint Procedure Reaffirmation of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Against Harassment Drug and Alcohol Abuse Electronic Communication & Social Media Insider Trading Accident Reporting Procedure Certification of Trial Period Cell Phone Use Policy* Workplace Violence Prevention Bulletin Board Pay Period & Portal Info
Facility Work Rules Attendance Policy
I have received the above referenced documents, have read, and understood them, and agree to abide by all provisions of these policies. Employee Printed Name: _____________________________________________________
Employee Signature: _________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________
Employee Handbook 2024
FBC Jacksonville
Employee Handbook 2024
FBC Jacksonville
PURPOSE The information contained in these policies is designed as an advisory guide to assist Personnel Outsource Solutions. Personnel Outsource Solutions and our supervisors with the effective management of personnel and is not meant to address every conceivable situation or issue that arises in the workplace. The provisions and guidelines contained in these policies are not binding on the Company and may be changed, interpreted, modified, revoked, suspended, terminated, or added to be the Company, in whole or in part, at any time, at the Company’s sole option, and without prior notice to employees. Please understand that the Company cannot anticipate every type of circumstance and, thus, these policies are not intended to cover every situation which may arise or to create specific policy to be applied in every instance. Instead, these policies are intended only to give management general advice concerning personnel decisions. Of course, if any employee is subject to a collective bargaining agreement, that agreement supersedes any provisions of this Handbook that are in conflict. Also, as a basic premise, the Company will comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws. Since we operate in multiple states, we cannot list every situation where state and local laws and regulations may differ from those listed in these policies, but please understand that any practice or policy of the Company will be applied consistent with all applicable laws and regulations. In addition, nothing in this Handbook should be interpreted in a manner that unlawfully prohibits the right of employees to discuss the terms and conditions of employment with other employees or otherwise to engage in protected concerted activity under the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”). The Company respects the Sections 7 rights of the employees and has and always will comply fully with its obligations under the NLRA, and the Company emphasizes that the policies in this handbook and any other Company policy do not intend to cover conduct engaged in by employees that is protected by the NLRA. EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL Nothing contained in this Handbook is intended to create, comprise, or define, nor should it be construed to constitute, any type of oral or written employment contact, prose, or guarantee, express or implied, between the Company and any one or all of its employees. Nothing in the Handbook is intended to provide any assurance of continued employment or any guaranty of continuity of benefits or rights. You understand that you are an at-will employee and nothing in these policies or other documents shall be construed to change your at-will status or otherwise create any type of contractual right.
Employee Handbook 2024
FBC Jacksonville
In the absence of a specific agreement to the contrary, which must be authorized in writing by a representative of the Company that has actual authority to enter into the written contract, employment with and compensation from the Company are for no definite period of time and may ne terminated by the Company or the employee at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, and with or without notice. Any written or oral statements or promises to the contrary are hereby expressly disavowed and should not be relied upon by prospective or existing employees.
By my signature below, I have reviewed “A Word About the Company’s Personnel Policies”. I understand that the Company’s Personnel Policies are not to be construed as an employment contract or any other type of contract or as a guarantee of continuity of benefits or rights. I understand that, due to the nature of the Company’s operations and variations necessary to accommodate employee situations, these policies may not apply to every employee or to me in every situation. I agree that the Company may modify these or other policies relating to employment matters from time to time as it considers necessary in its sole discretion either in employee, facility-wide, or Company-wide situations without notice to me. I agree that these policies and procedures are to be interpreted and applied by the Company at its sole discretion, whose decisions in this regard will be final. I agree that, in the absence of an express written contact, my employment at the Company is for an indefinite term and terminable at the will of either myself or the Company for any lawful reason, at any time. My status as an “at-will” employee can be altered only by a written contract specific as to all material terms and signed by me and a representative of the Company that has actual authority to enter into the written contract.
_____________________________________________ Employee Printed Name
______________________________________________ Employee Signature
______________________________________________ Date
Employee Handbook 2024
FBC Jacksonville
The Company values its employees and wants to ensure that employee concerns are timely reviewed and addressed. If you feel that you have experienced or witnessed 1) harassment, 2) discrimination, 3) the improper denial of a request for accommodation, 4) the improper denial of requested leave under the FMLA, the ADA, or otherwise, 5) retaliation, 6) failure to pay overtime or other violations of the FLSA or wage payment laws, or 7) any other unlawful or inappropriate conduct by anyone, including an employee, supervisor, manager, coworker, contractor, subcontractor, vendor, client, visitor, customer, agent, or other third party, you are to notify immediately (preferably in writing within 24 hours) your Human Resources Business Partner. If you are not contacted promptly about your complaint or are not satisfied with the response, you are to report your complaint to Corporate Human Resources by calling 229-227 2225 or the Company's Hotline at 1-888-337-7524, speakup.flowersfoods.com or ethicsofficer@flocorp.com.
Employee Handbook 2024
FBC Jacksonville
Personnel Outsource Solutions will consistently operate with a policy of equal treatment for all persons without regard to age, race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, sexual identity and gender identity, gender expression, disability status, or veteran status, as well as any other category protected by applicable law. We base decisions on employment so as to further the principle of equal employment opportunity. All aspects of employment, including advertising, recruiting, interviewing, testing, employment, training, transfer, compensation, promotion, termination, layoff and recall, employee benefits and social and recreational programs shall be administered without regard to age, race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability status, or veteran status, as well as any other category protected by applicable law. Affirmative action is undertaken to ensure that this commitment is observed. As part of our Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, the Company will maintain a working environment free of all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment, and will fully comply with the spirit and intent of all related laws and regulations. Any incidents of harassment, including sexual harassment, will be promptly and thoroughly investigated and appropriate corrective action will be taken. It is the responsibility of each member of management, from the CEO downward to support the policy of nondiscrimination and affirmative action through inspirational leadership and personal example. An integral part of our commitment is the inclusion of affirmative action as a part of our appraisal process for managers and supervisors. In addition, it is the duty of every employee of this Company to create a job environment which is conducive to our nondiscrimination and affirmative action policies. Any employee who takes any action in violation of our equal employment opportunity policy is subject to appropriate disciplinary action, and we urge any employee who believes our policy is being violated to report the matter pursuant to the Employee Complaint Procedure. It is our policy to provide equal opportunity to individuals with disabilities in all phases of the employment process and in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. In keeping with this policy, we will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with a disability in the workplace unless such accommodations present an undue hardship or if the individual is a direct threat to the health or safety of the individual or others. An employee who believes that he or she requires a reasonable accommodation because of a disability must notify his or her Human Resources Business Partner or the Company's EEO Coordinator of the issue so that an interactive dialogue can begin about a proposed accommodation. Any employee can report a change in his or her status as an individual with a disability at any time by informing Human Resources. Employees or applicants for employment will not be subjected to discrimination, unlawful retaliation or harassment because they have requested accommodation due to a disability. Americans with Disabilities Act
Employee Handbook 2024
FBC Jacksonville
Upon receiving a request for accommodation, we will seek an interactive process with the individual to clarify his or her needs and identify the appropriate reasonable accommodation. During this process, we may request reasonable documentation, including medical documentation, of the individual's disability and the need for reasonable accommodation. Failure to provide required medical information or to otherwise participate in a meaningful way in the interactive dialogue process regarding an accommodation request may result in denial of an accommodation. Because of the personal nature of some disability issues, we will take every reasonable effort to ensure confidentiality during the review process. The Company respects the sincerely held religious beliefs and practices of all employees and will make, on request, an accommodation for such observances when a reasonable accommodation is available that does not create an undue hardship on the Company's business. An employee whose religious beliefs or practices conflicts with his or her job, work schedule, or with the Company's policy or practice on dress and appearance or with other aspects of employment and who seeks a religious accommodation must submit a written request for an accommodation to their Human Resources Business Partner. Upon receiving a request for accommodation, we will seek an interactive process with the individual to clarify his or her needs and identify the appropriate reasonable accommodation. Failure to provide required information or to otherwise participate in a meaningful way in the interactive dialogue process regarding an accommodation request may result in denial of an accommodation. Any individual believing that a reasonable accommodation has not been provided or who otherwise feels he or she has been discriminated against because of a religious belief or practice must follow the Company's Employee Complaint Procedure. It is a violation of Company policy to discriminate, harass, or retaliate against an employee or an applicant on the basis of genetic information when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoffs, training, fringe benefits, or any other term or condition of employment. The Company does not use genetic information to make employment decisions. It is a violation of this policy to ask for or obtain genetic information about an applicant or an employee, unless specifically authorized by law. In those circumstances where genetic information is maintained, it will be retained in a confidential manner and in a separate medical file so as to prevent unlawful disclosure. Employees are protected from any adverse employment action for making a good faith complaint, exercising rights protected by Executive Order 11246, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act of 1973, the Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998, or any or federal or state non-discrimination law, rule or regulation. Employees are further protected from any form of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation for participating in any investigation or compliance review in furtherance of this policy or because of any alleged violation of our Equal Employment Opportunity Policy. Religious Accommodations Compliance with the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) No Retaliation
Employee Handbook 2024
FBC Jacksonville
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Coordinator
MaryAnn Dupont, HRBP is designated the Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator and has full authority and responsibility for converting this reaffirmation of policy into a meaningful affirmative action plan to employ and advance in employment qualified minorities, females, individuals with disabilities, and protected veterans in a timely manner. The Company will also work with each manager in furthering the implementation of the affirmative action plan and monitoring progress being made. Employees or applicants for employment who wish to review the full narrative portion of the Company's affirmative action program may schedule an appointment to do so by contacting Melissa Sepulveda during normal business hours.
Employee Handbook 2024
FBC Jacksonville
It has always been the Company's policy to maintain the best possible employment atmosphere for all employees. This policy includes the right of employees to be free from all forms of harassment of any kind by anyone in connection with their employment, including harassment because of a person's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, genetic information, military and veteran status, citizenship, age, disability (including pregnancy), or any other characteristic protected by state or local law (hereafter "Protected Characteristics").In keeping with that policy, the Company will not tolerate harassment of any kind by or of any employees or applicants for employment. "Harassment" is defined as verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of one or more of the Protected Characteristics outlined above, or that of his or her relatives, friends, or associates, and that: • Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. • Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance. • Otherwise adversely affects an individual's employment opportunities. Examples of harassing conduct can include, but are not limited to, the following: • Use of epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, or threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to any Protected Characteristics; • Written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group because of any Protected Characteristics and that is placed on walls, bulletin boards, or elsewhere on Company premises, or circulated in the workplace; and • Verbal or nonverbal innuendoes that relate to or reflect negatively upon someone because of their Protected Characteristics. This policy specifically prohibits sexual harassment of any kind by anyone connected with your employment, whether at work or elsewhere, such as at Company functions. For purposes of this policy, "sexual harassment" means sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (a) submission to or rejection of such advances, requests or conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or used as a basis for an employment decision, or, (b) such advances, requests or conduct have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating or sexually offensive work environment. This definition of sexual harassment is broad. Direct or implied requests by a supervisor for sexual favors in exchange for actual or promised job benefits such as, but not limited to, favorable reviews, salary increases, promotions, preferential shift assignments, increased benefits, or continued employment are sexual harassment and are prohibited. In addition to the above examples, other sexually oriented conduct, whether it is intended or not, that is unwelcome and has the effect of creating a workplace environment that is hostile, offensive, intimidating, or humiliating to workers may also be sexual harassment.
Employee Handbook 2024
FBC Jacksonville
This policy prohibits all harassment even if conduct may not be unlawful under applicable federal, state, or local laws. While it is not the purpose of this policy to intrude upon the personal lives of our employees, sexual and other harassment connected with the workplace will not be tolerated. Any employee who feels he or she has suffered any form of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation by anyone must immediately report the alleged conduct as outlined below (referred to herein as the "Employee Complaint Procedure"): • If the complaint concerns the employee's supervisor, then to Human Resources; or • To the Flowers Foods Ethics Hotline by visiting the website SpeakUp.FlowersFoods.com or calling 1-888-337-7524. Any employee who observes conduct by another employee which he or she believes to be harassing, retaliatory, or discriminatory must report such through the Employee Complaint Procedure. All complaints will be promptly and thoroughly investigated, including a private interview with the person filing the complaint and the person alleged to have committed the harassment or other policy violation. Reports will be treated confidential to the extent possible, without impeding the ability of the Company to conduct a discreet and thorough investigation. If it is determined that conduct in violation of this policy has occurred, the Company will act promptly to eliminate the offending conduct, and where it is appropriate the Company will also impose disciplinary action up to and including termination. All employees, including supervisors and managers, are subject to discipline, up to and including discharge, for violation of this policy. No supervisor or other member of management has the authority, express or implied, to engage in sexual or other harassment, or in any other way violate this or any other Company policy. Any supervisor or other manager who receives a complaint or otherwise becomes aware of conduct that may violate this policy must promptly report the matter to Human Resources. Failure by a supervisor or another manager to report a complaint or questionable conduct under this policy shall be a violation of this policy that may result in discipline, up to and including termination. Additionally, certain online comments are a violation of our Policy Against Harassment if such comments would be considered a violation of this policy if they occurred while at work in a face to face environment. Retaliation or discrimination against an employee for reporting harassment or complaining about harassment is prohibited. Such misconduct will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Any employee that knowingly mal Employees should also review any applicable state supplement to this policy. Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE POLICY Our Company is a drug-free workplace that conducts pre-employment drug testing, post-accident drug testing, random drug testing, and drug and alcohol testing for reasonable suspicion. We do not tolerate the violation of our Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy for any reason. Violations of the policy can pose a danger to you, your fellow employees, and our customers. It can also affect our Company's good will, good name, and everyone's job security. Quite simply, neither the Company nor you can afford it! A copy of the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy is permanently posted on the bulletin board and is reviewed with each employee. If you have questions concerning the policy, please discuss them with your supervisor or Human Resources Business Partner. Our company prepares and distributes food products to the public. A higher standard of conduct and care is required from all of us. Our future success depends, in large measure, upon the responsible behavior and well-being of our employees. Because we are in the business of producing food products for the public, we must take every step possible to produce food of high quality and purity. The illegal use of drugs <1>and misuse of alcohol are directly contrary to our responsibilities to the public and inconsistent with law-abiding behavior, which is expected of everyone. Furthermore, we also use machinery, equipment, and tools that must be treated and operated very carefully and under complete control for the sake of safety. In this regard, the Company fully complies with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. It is an absolute violation of Company policy for any employee: • To be involved in the illegal use, possession, manufacture, distribution, dispensation or sale of drugs or drug paraphernalia on Company property or while on Company business, in a Company supplied vehicle, or during working hours - including breaks and meal periods. • To be involved I the illegal use, possession, manufacture, distribution, dispensation or sale of drugs or drug paraphernalia off Company premises that the Company determines may affect the employee's work performance, his or her own or others' workplace safety while working, or otherwise adversely affect the business. • To, be involved in the use or possession of alcohol on Company property. • To be involved in the use of alcohol off Company premises that the Company determines may affect the employee's work performance, his/her own or others' workplace safety, or otherwise adversely affect the business. • To be "under the influence due to the use of illegal drugs or alcohol on Company property, in Company supplied vehicles, or during working hours. We hope everyone realizes that if drug or alcohol abuse is going on, to any extent, by anyone, it must be stopped immediately. It poses a danger to everyone. Anyone who believes this policy is being violated is strongly encouraged to let management know. Any such reports will be kept confidential to the extent practical. Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville To protect our customers and our employees' safety and health, we take a number of steps to ensure that our policy is followed. These steps may include searches, at Company discretion, or lockers, lunch boxes, toolboxes, vehicles, desks, clothing, and work areas. It may also include drug and/or alcohol testing whenever the Company suspects that an employee's work performance or on the-job behavior may be affected in any way by illegal use of drugs or use of alcohol, or that an employee has otherwise violated this policy. Prior to recommending an employee for reasonable suspicion testing, two (2) members of management must confirm and document observed behaviors and physical characteristics identified as consistent with an individual’s being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Employees will also be tested after a work-related "recordable" accident or vehicle accident if the Company believes it is reasonably probable that the accident could have been attributable to the use of drugs or alcohol, whenever Company policy requires an employee to undergo a physical examination, and whenever required by las. Periodic and random drug testing may also be conducted when permitted by applicable state or local law. An employee who test positive for illegal use of drugs and/or is found to be under the influence of alcohol as a result of any test will be in violation of our policy. Employees who work in the bakery, around heavy machinery or who operate heave equipment or machinery in the course of their duties, including but no limited to the operation of motor vehicles, who are taking prescription medications tat could impact their ability to safely perform their duties should report their use of these medication sot human resources. This could include, for example, if the prescription medication causes drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, problems concentrating or blurred vision, the like. Human Resources will then conduct and individualized assessment to determine whether any reasonable accommodations may exist that would allow the employee to safely perform his/her job. In order to comply with applicable law, employees must notify management within 5 days of any conviction of a criminal drug offense so that the underlying circumstances can be reviewed to determine whether such circumstances may impact the employee's ability to safely perform his/her job. Failure to report such conviction(s) may result in termination. Compliance with our Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy is a condition of employment. Violation of this policy will subject the employee to discipline, up to and including immediate termination. Noncompliance includes the refusal to cooperate with any or all procedures encompassed by this policy, including submitting to a test or search, and all requirements incidental to a test or search, and the policy generally. To help inform and educate all of us on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, we have established an awareness program. This program emphasizes our policy of maintaining a drug- and alcohol-free workplace, advises you of available counseling or rehabilitation opportunities and employee assistance programs, and includes features in our employee communications. The Company strongly encourages employees who develop a drug and/or alcohol problem to notify the HR Business Partner and to see help from public health agencies in our community. It is the employee's responsibility to seek assistance before he or she is discovered in violation of the policy and the Company takes disciplinary action. The Company cannot, and does not, assume any responsibility for diagnosing employee problems or referring employees to assistance programs. Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville [1] Illegal use of drugs for purposes of our policy include the use of all drugs or other like substances whose possession, sale or misuse violate state or federal Jaw, or where use affects the ability to perform essential functions of the job, including the safe performance of the job (except for such medication prescribed or "over-the-counter" that the employee has previously reported to management where required by the policy). [2] Being "under the influence" of illegal drugs is defined as testing positive; being "under the influence" of alcohol is defined as an alcohol concentration of .04 or greater as determined through use of a blood test or evidential breath test (EBT) but may be less than .04 if the employee is otherwise impaired and said impairment is evident and documented by management. Employees subject to DOT jurisdiction shall be tested and handled consistent with applicable DOT rules. Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville FLOWERS FOODS, INC. AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATED COMPANIES SOCIAL MEDIA & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION POLICY At Flowers, we understand that electronic communication, including the use of social media can be a fun and rewarding way to share your life and opinions with family, friends, and co-workers. Whether you use Flowers' systems and devices or your own personal devices to communicate internally or externally, electronic communication presents certain risks and carries with it certain responsibilities. To assist you in making responsible decisions about electronic commm1ications, we have established these guidelines for appropriate use. This policy applies to all employees who work for Flowers or one of its subsidiary companies (Personnel Outsource Solutions) GUIDELINES Electronic communication means any form of communication by electronic means including emailing, instant messaging, texting, posting or sharing through external social networking platforms such as Facebook®, Twitter®, Linked in®, Instagram®, YouTube®, TikTok,®, blogs, wikis, chat rooms, bulletin boards and similar platforms, and internal Flowers' branded communication platforms, including Flowers' hosted email, the intranet (FLOconnect), Microsoft Teams, and Sharepoint. Electronic communications can includ.11i written, photographic, emoticon, audio, and video content. As an overarching principle, please remember that you are solely responsible for your electronic communications. Before creating, posting, sharing, or sending electronic messages and content, consider the risks and rewards involved. Keep in mind that any of your conduct that adversely affects your job performance or the job performance of fellow associates or adversely affects members, customers, suppliers’ people who work on behalf of Flowers, or Flowers' legitimate business interests, may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Always use good judgment when communicating electronically, including to fellow employees, customers, members, suppliers, or people who work on behalf of Flowers. Be aware of the rules, too, by carefully reading and following these guidelines, Flowers’ Code of Conduct and equal employment opportunity and harassment policies, and workplace violence policy. Ensure your postings are consistent with these policies. Electronic communication that could reasonably be viewed as malicious, obscene, abusive, discriminatory, harassing, threatening, or disparaging to customers, members, employees or suppliers, or otherwise similarly inappropriate or unlawful, Use Good Judgment and Comply with Applicable Company Policy and Law 1 While Flowers’ subsidiaries operate as separate and distinct legal entities, for legal compliance purposes all entities must be covered by this Social Media and Electronic Communication Policy. Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville will not be tolerated and may subject you to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Examples of such conduct would include offensive or discriminatory posts meant to intentionally. harm someone's reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of race sex, disability, religion or any other status protected by law or company policy. Avoid sending, sharing, or posting any information or rumors that y0u know to be false about Flowers fellow employees, members customers, suppliers, people working on behalf of Flowers, or competitors. Employees cannot ask as a spokesperson for Flowers, including on social media, without prior authorization. In any post that relates to Flowers, you must be transparent about the fact that you are an employee and that your views do not necessarily represent those of Flowers, fellow employees, members, customers, suppliers, or people working on behalf of Flowers. See Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Guidelines below. Along these same lines, do not create a link from your blog, website or other social networking site to a Flowers' website without identifying yourself as a Flowers employee, and use your personal email address when you create a personal site or post content to an external site that is not hosted by Flowers. • Maintain the confidentiality of Flowers' Trade Secrets and confidential information _including information regarding the development of systems, processes, products, financials, know-how, and technology. Do not send, share, or post internal reports, policies, procedures, or other internal business-related confidential communications or content containing such information. • Respect financial disclosure laws such as those relating to insider training. It is illegal to communicate or give a "tip" on inside information to others so they may buy or sell stock or securities. Pursuant to FTC guidelines, when Flowers' employees offer testimonials or endorsements about Flowers’ products via social media, employees must clearly disclose that they are a Flowers employee and are speaking on their own behalf. Failure to disclose your status as a Flowers employee may result in civil or criminal penalties and/or disciplinary action up to and including the termination of employment. No employee shall make any testimonials or endorsements about Flowers' products in the name of, or as a spokesperson for, Flowers without express authorization. Protect Certain Information Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Guidelines Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville Using Social Media at Work Refrain from using social media while on work time 0r on equipment we provide, unless it is work related as authorized by your manager or consistent with company policy regarding equipment usage. Do not use Flowers' email address to register for personal use on social networks, blogs, or other online forums. Supervisors and Managers To avoid actual or potential conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety, management , and supervisors should avoid social media relationship with non-managerial employees, except in cases where the relationship is limited to business-related networking or there is otherwise a legitimate business purpose. No Expectation of Privacy All contents of Flowers' computer and communication systems and platforms are the property of the company. Flowers monitors and controls access to such systems and platforms, and therefore, employees should have no expectation of privacy whatsoever with regard to electronic communication in connection with your use of any company resources, equipment or property, including, but not limited to Flowers' hosted email, the intranet (FLOConnect), Microsoft Teams, and SharePoint. Further, Flowers also monitors external public communication platforms (including social media) for information pertaining to Flowers’ business. Flowers may review electronic communication, without notice to the employee unless otherwise required under applicable law, including with regard to investigating any case of misconduct or misuse of information. that may have a direct impact on Flowers' reputation, brands, values, and business ethics. Workplace complaints, including those relating to discrimination or harassment, should be submitted through appropriate channels such as through the Employee Complaint Procedure or Flowers' Ethics & Compliance Hotline. Flowers has zero tolerance for retaliation or discrimination of any kind. Flowers prohibits taking adverse action against any employee for reporting a possible deviation from this policy or any other Flowers' policy, or for cooperating in an investigation. Any employee who engages in retaliation or discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including te1mination. Reporting Concerns - Retaliation is Prohibited If you need to make an anonymous report, contact the Ethics & Compliance Hotline at: 888-337-7524 or at speakup.flowersfoods.com. Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville Non-Interference with Applicable Laws; Protected Activity The purpose of this Policy is to protect Flowers' trade secrets, confidential and proprietary information, and brands, while concurrently promoting compliance with all applicable laws. In no way is this Policy intended to restrict or interfere with any legally protected activity, including protected activity under the National Labor Relations Act such as employees' rights to discuss their wages, benefits, hours of work, work schedules, performance metrics, discipline, work policies, or other terms and conditions of employment. For More Information If you have questions or need further guidance, please contact your Human Resources representative. Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville Flowers Foods, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies1 Insider Trading Policy In order to take an active role in the prevention of insider trading violations by its directors, officers and employees, Flowers Foods, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the "Company" or "Flowers") has adopted this Insider Trading Policy (the "Policy") and the procedures described herein. Statement of Policy Prohibition Against Insider Trading. Flowers encourages employees to invest in our stock. On occasion, however, certain employees may possess information that is not readily available to the public. Such information may constitute material inside information. In general, material inside information is information about the Company that has not been publicly announced and that a reasonable person would likely consider important in deciding whether to buy or sell Company stock. The following are some examples of information which may be considered material in nature and hence would preclude trading by insiders until full public disclosure is made by the release of a press statement from Flowers Communications Department or by the disclosure of the information in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing: 1. (a) annual or quarterly financial results; (b) unusual gains or losses in major operations; (c) projections of future earnings or losses; (d) change in share ownership that may affect the control of Flowers; (e) a change in the corporate structure such as a merger, amalgamation, or reorganization; (f) a take-over bid, issuer bid, or insider bid; (g) a major corporate acquisition, disposition or joint venture; (h) a stock split, consolidation, stock dividend or other change in capital structure; (i) the bo1rnwing of a significant amount of funds; (j) the development of a new product or development affecting Flowers' resources, technology, products or markets; (k) the entering into, termination of or any material change in a significant contract; Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville 1 While Flowers' subsidiaries operate as separate and distinct legal entities, for legal compliance purposes all entities must be covered by this Insider Trading Policy (l) firm evidence of a significant increase or decrease in near-term earnings prospects; (m) an important change in capital investment plans or corporate objectives; (n) a significant change in management; (o) significant litigation or governmental investigations; (p) a major labor dispute or a dispute with a major contractor or supplier or loss the gain or loss of a substantial customer; (q) an event of default under a financing or other agreement; (r) a declaration of or a failure to declare dividends; (s) a call of securities for redemption; (t) any acquisition or disposition of property (any asset) which has not been negotiated at arm's length; and any other development relating to the business and affairs of Flowers that would reasonably be expected to significantly affect the market price or value of any of Flowers' securities or that would reasonably be expected to have a significant influence on a reasonable investor's investment decisions. Twenty-Twenty Hindsight . Remember, if your securities transactions become the subject of scrutiny, they will be viewed after-the-fact with the benefit of hindsight. As a result, before engaging in any transaction you should carefully consider how regulators and others might view your transaction in hindsight. Transactions by Family Members . The very same restrictions apply to your family members and others living in your household. You are expected to be responsible for the compliance of your immediate family and personal household. Tipping Information to Others . Whether the information is proprietary information about Flowers or information that could have an impact on Flowers stock price, you must not pass the info1mation on to others or recommend the purchase or sale of securities about which you have material inside inf01mation. Policy Applies to all Employees . Remember, insider trading restrictions aren't limited to directors and officers; they apply to anyone who comes into possession of material inside information about Flowers, our subsidiaries, or other companies, such as our customer, suppliers, potential business partners and prospective acquisition candidates. As we pursue new business opportunities through acquisitions and divestitures, joint ventures, internal restructuring and new contracts, the people involved in the planning process must be aware of their obligations under the federal securities laws, (u) Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville as well as under any confidentiality agreements that are in place with other parties to the transactions. 2. Preclearance Group For certain individuals within the Company, additional restrictions on trading will apply. These individuals, collectively the "Preclearance Group," consist of: (a) Flowers' Board of Directors; (b) Flowers' Officers and their administrative assistants; (c) Flowers' Legal Department employees including administrative assistants; (d) Flowers' Communications Department employees including administrative assistants; (e) Flowers' Treasury Department employees including administrative assistants; (f) Flowers' Corporate Accounting Department employees including administrative assistants; (g) Flowers' department heads and their administrative assistants; (h) Flowers Bakeries Group President and Regional Vice Presidents; (i) Flowers Specialty Group President and Division Vice Presidents; (j) Designated Flowers employees as identified from time to time by Flowers' General Counsel; (k) All family members of the Preclearance Group. The general definition of family members includes child, step-child, grandchild, parent, step-parent, grandparent, spouse, sibling, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and any adoptive relationships and the family member is living in the same household with a member of the Preclearance Group or a member of the Preclearance Group has voting power or dispositive power over company stock held in the name of or for the benefit of the family member. 3. Trading Rules/Blackout Periods for Preclearance Group (a) The Preclearance Group may not trade in Flowers stock during the thirty-day (30) day period prior to the public announcement of the Company's earnings by Flowers Communications Department or during any other "blackout period" as designated by the Company's General Counsel. This trading prohibition during blackout periods applies to transactions involving Flowers securities in connection with any member of the Preclearance Group holdings in his or her 401(k) plan. (b) Note that at all times, the Preclearance Group is still subject to the prohibition against trading on the basis of inside information during periods outside of the blackout periods. Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville (c) The Preclearance Group may only trade in Flowers stock on an occasional basis consistent with an investment strategy such as not to appear to be speculating in the Company's securities or engaging in day-trading. (d) The Preclearance Group must not engage in short selling of or trading in puts and calls in respect of Flowers securities or any other hedging strategies. 4. Pre-Clearance Procedure The Preclearance Group must pre-clear all trades pursuant to the Company's pre clearance process. This process requires the following: (a) Prior to commencing any trade in the Company's stock, the Preclearance Group member must contact the Shareholder Relations Specialist in the Office of Investor Relations (hereinafter referred to as the "Agent") to seek authorization to make the trade. Such authorization request to the Agent must be in writing and must include the date of the proposed transaction, the nature of the transaction (buy or sell), the number of shares to be traded and the approximate value of the transaction. (b) The Agent will consider the request and respond in writing to the requesting party within 48 hours of receiving the request. Such response shall be a written authorization or denial of the requesting party's proposed transaction. 5. Certification of Policy by Preclearance Group and Plan Participants After reading this Policy, all members of the Preclearance Group and participants in any Company equity-based compensation program (the "Plan Participants") must sign the certification on the next page to indicate you have read the Policy and agree to comply with the policies set fo1ih herein. 6. Policy Violations The failure of any employee or Preclearance Group member or Plan Participant to comply with this Insider Trading Policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment with the Company. Such failures may also subject the individual to significant civil or criminal penalties assessed by governmental agencies or courts of law for violations of federal, state or local law. Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Office of General Counsel. Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville ACCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURE When an on-the-job injury occurs, the following procedures apply: 1. Notify your supervisor immediately. 2. If medical attention other than first aid is required, employees must use Company doctors. The information on Company doctors is posted internally on Company bulletin boards. If you use a doctor not approved by the Company, you may be responsible for the medical expenses. 3. If the injury is of a nature that requires emergency treatment, either the supervisor in charge, the employee designated by the supervisor, or an emergency vehicle will transport the injured employee to a Company doctor or to a qualified hospital emergency room and authorize treatment _______________________________________________________ Employee Signature ________________________________________________________ Employee Name Print ________________________________________________________ Date Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville CERTIFICATION OF TRIAL PERIOD Your first 90 calendar days with the Company is a trial period. During this time, you and your Company will have the opportunity to evaluate whether the job is suitable for you. The Company's evaluation will include attendance, work performance, and suitability for the position, among other things. We hope that you will make the most of this "trial" period by learning your new job and demonstrating your ability and interest. _____________________________________________________ Employee Signature _____________________________________________________ Employee Name Print _____________________________________________________ Date Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville Cell Phone Use Policy We recognize that cell phones have become an integral part of everyday life. However, the use of cell phones or pagers while working may present a hazard to our production process and other employees. This policy is meant to ensure safety to our employees and to our production processes. The use of cell phones and/or pagers is restricted to your break periods in designated break and smoking areas. Personal cell phones or pagers are not allowed on the manufacturing floor or in any support area of the bakery under any circumstances. Personal cell phones and pagers are not to be kept on your person or toolbox and should be stored in your employee locker or vehicle. Only a company provided cell phone may be used on the manufacturing floor and other areas of the facility in support of company business as requirements dictate. Violations of this policy fall under Group B disciplinary procedures. Employees violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to an including termination, depending upon the individual's standing in the progressive discipline process. ____________________________________________ Employee's Signature ____________________________________________ Employee Printed Name ____________________________________________ Date Employee Handbook 2024 FBC Jacksonville
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