FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)

7. Any employee who will be tardy or absent from work due to circumstances beyond his or her control, such as personal illness or injury, should give his or her supervisor (or other designated management official) at least two (2) hours’ notice prior to the employee's scheduled reporting time. Failure to provide such notice may result in the absence or tardiness being treated as unexcused depending on the circumstances of each case. 8. The Company has the right to request documented proof of any' illness or injury, transportation problem or personal emergency resulting in an absence or tardiness, including leaving early or leave of absence. Failure to provide such proof and/or failure to cure deficiencies in the requested proof within the allotted time frame will result in the absence or tardiness being treated as unexcused. Where permitted by law, the company may require written medical evidence from a doctor prior to an employee returning to work after being absent for three (3) consecutive days or more. Management may also require an employee to provide medical evidence if there is any question concerning the employee's ability to perform the essential job duties safely and on a regular basis. 9. Absence from work due to incarceration in jail or prison resulting from an arrest or conviction of any crime will be treated as an unexcused absence. Each day of absence due to any such arrest or conviction will be treated as a separate occurrence. 10. Any employee who fails to rep01i or call in for two (2) consecutive scheduled work days, who is not otherwise on an approved leave of absence, will be deemed to have abandoned their job and voluntarily quit. 11. The employee must do all the communicating of absences with his or her supervisor or other manager in their department. Having the spouse, children, other relative, acquaintance, etc.; call in is not acceptable. It is also unacceptable to simply have a doctor's note faxed in without personal communication with your supervisor. The only exception will be for those employees who are hospitalized and cannot communicate an a9sence. Failure to communicate an absence appropriately may result in disciplinary action and be treated as if no notice was provided. Leaving a message on the answering machine is only an option after you have made two (2) unsuccessful verifiable attempts to reach your supervisor. 12. During any two (2) year period (rolling 24 months) an employee that has received two (2) decision making leaves for attendance issues will be subject to termination upon receiving a third within that same time period. 13. Excessive excused absence or tardiness may result in disciplinary action depending on the circumstances of each case. The company defines excessive excused absences as three (3) ab8ences in a six (6) month peri6d or when these absences become a disruption to the work force. The company: defines excessive excused tardiness as three (3) tardies in a six (6) month period or when they become a disruption to the workforce. This rule does not apply to any absences or tardies covered by any legally protected leave.

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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