FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)

This policy prohibits all harassment even if conduct may not be unlawful under applicable federal, state, or local laws. While it is not the purpose of this policy to intrude upon the personal lives of our employees, sexual and other harassment connected with the workplace will not be tolerated. Any employee who feels he or she has suffered any form of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation by anyone must immediately report the alleged conduct as outlined below (referred to herein as the "Employee Complaint Procedure"): • If the complaint concerns the employee's supervisor, then to Human Resources; or • To the Flowers Foods Ethics Hotline by visiting the website SpeakUp.FlowersFoods.com or calling 1-888-337-7524. Any employee who observes conduct by another employee which he or she believes to be harassing, retaliatory, or discriminatory must report such through the Employee Complaint Procedure. All complaints will be promptly and thoroughly investigated, including a private interview with the person filing the complaint and the person alleged to have committed the harassment or other policy violation. Reports will be treated confidential to the extent possible, without impeding the ability of the Company to conduct a discreet and thorough investigation. If it is determined that conduct in violation of this policy has occurred, the Company will act promptly to eliminate the offending conduct, and where it is appropriate the Company will also impose disciplinary action up to and including termination. All employees, including supervisors and managers, are subject to discipline, up to and including discharge, for violation of this policy. No supervisor or other member of management has the authority, express or implied, to engage in sexual or other harassment, or in any other way violate this or any other Company policy. Any supervisor or other manager who receives a complaint or otherwise becomes aware of conduct that may violate this policy must promptly report the matter to Human Resources. Failure by a supervisor or another manager to report a complaint or questionable conduct under this policy shall be a violation of this policy that may result in discipline, up to and including termination. Additionally, certain online comments are a violation of our Policy Against Harassment if such comments would be considered a violation of this policy if they occurred while at work in a face to face environment. Retaliation or discrimination against an employee for reporting harassment or complaining about harassment is prohibited. Such misconduct will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Any employee that knowingly mal

Employees should also review any applicable state supplement to this policy.

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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