FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)

Flowers Foods, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies1 Insider Trading Policy

In order to take an active role in the prevention of insider trading violations by its directors, officers and employees, Flowers Foods, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the "Company" or "Flowers") has adopted this Insider Trading Policy (the "Policy") and the procedures described herein. Statement of Policy Prohibition Against Insider Trading. Flowers encourages employees to invest in our stock. On occasion, however, certain employees may possess information that is not readily available to the public. Such information may constitute material inside information. In general, material inside information is information about the Company that has not been publicly announced and that a reasonable person would likely consider important in deciding whether to buy or sell Company stock. The following are some examples of information which may be considered material in nature and hence would preclude trading by insiders until full public disclosure is made by the release of a press statement from Flowers Communications Department or by the disclosure of the information in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing: 1.


annual or quarterly financial results;


unusual gains or losses in major operations;


projections of future earnings or losses;


change in share ownership that may affect the control of Flowers;

(e) a change in the corporate structure such as a merger, amalgamation, or reorganization;


a take-over bid, issuer bid, or insider bid;


a major corporate acquisition, disposition or joint venture;

(h) a stock split, consolidation, stock dividend or other change in capital structure;


the bo1rnwing of a significant amount of funds;

(j) the development of a new product or development affecting Flowers' resources, technology, products or markets;

(k) the entering into, termination of or any material change in a significant contract;

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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