FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)

FACILITY WORK RULES In order to promote the orderly, efficient and safe operation of the facility and provide a pleasant and safe work place for all of us, the Company has adopted and will enforce these work rules. Please read these rules and corresponding disciplinary procedures thoroughly. If you have any questions, see your supervisor, department head or Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP). The Company may change or terminate any of the published or unpublished personnel policies, practices, or employee benefits, without advance notice. In addition, neither these work rules nor any other communication by any Company representative, written or oral, nor any other conduct of any kind between employees and any Company representative, is intended in any way to create an employment contract, or any other contractual undertaking, binding on either the Company or any employee. I. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES Work Rules are enforced with disciplinary action ranging from verbal warning to immediate discharge, according to the nature of the offense, overall frequency of the offense, and employee record. The listed offenses are not all-inclusive . Any conduct which could jeopardize health or safety or otherwise violate accepted standards of behavior may result in appropriate discipline, up to and including immediate discharge. Nothing in these rules is intended to prevent communications concerning wages, hours, and working conditions or any other communication allowed by law. Nor is anything in these rules otherwise intended to prohibit legally-protected activity or be construed to be inconsistent with any applicable law. Should you have any questions concerning whether or nor certain communications and/or conduct is legally protected activity, you may contact the HRBP. II. WORK RULES The work rules are divided into two sections: A - General Conduct B - Dress Code, Personal Hygiene and other Good Manufacturing Procedures, and Safety A. GENERAL CONDUCT RULES These are infractions of such a serious nature that they will normally result in immediate discharge without prior warning. 1. Knowingly falsifying or failing to disclose any employment-related information (oral or written) or any other type of dishonesty before or during employment with the Company. This

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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