FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)


The Company values its employees and wants to ensure that employee concerns are timely reviewed and addressed. If you feel that you have experienced or witnessed 1) harassment, 2) discrimination, 3) the improper denial of a request for accommodation, 4) the improper denial of requested leave under the FMLA, the ADA, or otherwise, 5) retaliation, 6) failure to pay overtime or other violations of the FLSA or wage payment laws, or 7) any other unlawful or inappropriate conduct by anyone, including an employee, supervisor, manager, coworker, contractor, subcontractor, vendor, client, visitor, customer, agent, or other third party, you are to notify immediately (preferably in writing within 24 hours) your Human Resources Business Partner. If you are not contacted promptly about your complaint or are not satisfied with the response, you are to report your complaint to Corporate Human Resources by calling 229-227 2225 or the Company's Hotline at 1-888-337-7524, speakup.flowersfoods.com or ethicsofficer@flocorp.com.

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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