FBC Lynchburg Employee Handbook (1)


Any employee reporting for work (clocking in or signing in) more than one hour after his or her scheduled starting time, may at the option of the supervisor, be sent home for the day and charged with an unexcused absence. Generally, any absence without prior approval of management or a physician’s excuse will be treated as unexcused. A physician’s excuse must be submitted immediately upon return to work and cover the period of the absence. Any employee who will be tardy or absent from work due to circumstances beyond his or her control, such as personal illness or injury, should notify his or her supervisor (or other designated management official) as soon as possible at least two (2) hours notice prior to the employee’s scheduled reporting time. Failure to provide such notice may cause the absence or tardiness to be treated as unexcused, depending upon the circumstances of each case. In this circumstance, the employee would receive two (2) points for an unexcused absence and one (1) point for not calling in prior to their shift for a total of (3) points. Any employee reporting that he or she expects to be tardy must tell his or her supervisor (or other designated management official) the expected time of arrival. Similarly, when an employee reports that he or she will be absent, the employee must give an expected date of return. Daily notification is required except in the case of extended treatment for a severe illness beyond one (1) week, hospitalization or other approved leave of absence. In the event of an extended illness or injury, the employee must notify the Human Resources Department of his/her status at least once weekly, or as otherwise directed by management. Failure to take the preceding steps may result in appropriate disciplinary action. The Company has the right to require proof of any illness or injury, transportation problem or personal emergency resulting in an absence or tardy, including leaving early or leave of absence. Failure to provide such proof will result in the absence or tardiness being treated as unexcused. Management may also require an employee to provide medical evidence if there is a question concerning the employee’s ability to perform job duties safely and on a regular basis. Absence from work due to incarceration in jail or prison resulting from a conviction of any crime will be treated as an unexcused absence. Each day of absence due to any such conviction will be treated as a separate occurrence.







Excessive excused absence or tardiness may result in disciplinary action, depending upon the circumstances of each case. The Company

2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner

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