FBC Lynchburg Employee Handbook (1)


As all of you know, we are involved in the business of preparing and distributing food products to the public. A high standard of conduct and care is required from all of us. Our future success depends in large measure upon the responsible behavior and well-being of our people. We also use machinery, equipment, and tools that must be treated and operated very carefully and under complete control for the sake of safety. Furthermore, because we are in the business of producing food products for the public, we must take every step possible to ensure that top quality and safe products are produced. The illegal use of drugs 1 and misuse of alcohol are directly contrary to these responsibilities to the public, to your fellow employees and yourself, and cannot be tolerated. The illegal use of drugs also is inconsistent with law abiding behavior, which is expected of everyone. In this regard, the Company fully complies with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. It is an absolute violation of Company policy for any employee: ● to be involved in the illegal use, possession, manufacture, distribution, dispensation or sale of drugs or drug paraphernalia on Company property or while on Company business, in a Company-supplied vehicle, or during working hours (working hours include breaks and meal periods). ● to be involved in the illegal use, possession, manufacture, distribution, dispensation or sale of drugs or drug paraphernalia off Company premises that the Company determines may affect the employee's work performance, his/her own or others' workplace safety while working, or otherwise adversely affect the business. ● to be involved in the use or possession of alcohol on Company property. ● to be involved in the use of alcohol off Company premises in a manner that the Company determines may affect the employee's work performance, his/her own or others' workplace safety, or otherwise adversely affect the business. ● to be "under the influence" due to the use of illegal drugs or alcohol on Company property, in Company-supplied vehicles, or during working hours. 2 We hope everyone realizes that if something like this is going on, to any extent, by anyone, it must be stopped immediately! It poses a danger to everyone, including our customers. If anyone has information that this policy is being violated, please let management know. Any such reports will be kept confidential to the extent practical. To protect our customers and our employee's safety and health, we will take a number of steps to ensure that our policy is followed. These steps may include searches, at Company discretion, of lockers, lunch boxes, tool boxes, vehicles, desks, clothing, and work areas. It may also include drug and/or alcohol testing whenever the Company suspects that an employee's work performance or on the-job behavior may be affected in any way by illegal use of drugs or use of alcohol, or that an employee has otherwise violated the policy. Employees will also be tested after involvement in a work related "recordable" accident, a vehicle accident, whenever Company policy requires an employee to undergo a physical examination, and whenever required by law. From time to time, periodic and random drug testing will also be conducted. An employee who tests positive for illegal used drugs and/or found to be under the influence of alcohol as a result of any test will be in violation of our policy. Employees who work in the bakery, around heavy machinery, or who operate heavy equipment or machinery in the course of their duties, including but not limited to the operation of motor vehicles, who are taking prescriptions medications that could impact their ability to safely perform their duties should report their use of these medications to human resources. This could include, for example, if the prescription medication causes drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, problems concentrating or blurred vision,

2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner

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