FBC Norfolk Employee Handbook
Good Manufacturing Practices
Each employee will be required to wear a clean approved uniform daily. If a uniform has not been furnished, a white shirt for production or blue shirt for engineering and shipping is recommended. a No shirt with a breast pocket or buttons is allowed for employees working the line. Only shirts with snaps rather than buttons are approved. a Shirttails must be tucked into pants and belts must be worn at all times. No articles are to be carried in the pockets above the waist. a Shirts with buttons must be buttoned with the exception of the collar button. Clean uniforms will be delivered each week and placed in uniform lockers. Each employee is responsible for placing soiled uniforms in the appropriate bin for cleaning. a Employees are allowed to wear uniforms to and from work. Uniforms and hats are not allowed to be defaced, damaged or decorated. Jackets are to be stored in lockers. If a jacket is worn on the floor, it must be clean and in good sanitary condition. Jackets are not to be stored on equipment, stairs, floor or any area of the production floor. Appropriate attire is required of all office personnel. Tennis shoes, sweat suits, blue jeans and other denim garments, shorts, tee-shirts, skorts, leggings worn without a skirt, capri-length pants, etc. will not be allowed in the office. Proper shoes with slip resistant soles must be worn by all employees. Shoes must be substantially made and kept in good repair. No open toes, high heels, sandals, cloth, canvas, unlaced shoes or any type of shoe, which leaves any part of the foot exposed, are allowed for footwear. All employees must wear hose or socks while on duty. All employees must keep their hair neat and clean. Long hair must be secured and may not fall freely. All employees and visitors must have proper, company approved head cover at all times while in plant production area(s). Bump caps, paper caps, baseball style caps are not permissible substitute hair coverings for hairnets. Anyone wearing this type cap or hat for safety or other reasons must still use a hairnet, while in the plant area. A blue hairnet and beard net (company approved) must be worn. Hair and beard nets must be in place before entering the facility. Hair and beard nets must be properly worn to cover hair. Employees must not wear beards or goatees of any sort except where medically necessary. Mustaches are acceptable only if they are neatly trimmed and do not extend below the upper lip. Sideburns must be neatly trimmed and may not extend below the bottom of the ear lobe.
Business Attire:
2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner
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