FBC Portland Employee Handbook

OREGON SICK LEAVE Oregon’s sick leave law requires that the Company provide at least 40 hours of paid time each calendar year that employees can use if they are sick or for other specific reasons without penalty under an attendance policy. Oregon Sick leave is available (up to 40 hours per calendar year) for:

Your own illness or health condition

• Attending your own medical or dental appointments (you must provide reasonable notice) • Care for a covered family member who is ill • Attend medical appointments with a covered family member (you must provide reasonable notice) • OFLA/FMLA Qualifying • Absences due to domestic violence or being the victim of a crime • Public health emergency

DKB provides partners with one bank of paid leave – paid time off (PTO) – which can be used for sick, vacation, bereavement beyond funeral pay, etc.

You do not need to fill out a form to be paid when you call in sick (or miss time from work for a protected reason listed above).

You must have accrued PTO available to use towards Oregon Sick Leave for an eligible absence to be covered under OSL. • You must have a minimum of 1 accrued hour for OSL to be available. • For a full day absence, if you have accrued PTO available between 1 hr. – 4 hours, a .5 pt. for attendance will be assessed as there is not sufficient PTO available to cover the full day. • For a full day absence, if you have accrued PTO available of more than 4 hours, you will not be assigned any attendance points for that absence. • For tardies due to OSL, you must have enough accrued PTO available to cover the missed shift time to avoid any attendance pts. • Regardless of whether you have PTO/OSL available, you must continue to follow DKB’s call-in policy for each day of absence unless on an approved leave of absence. Unscheduled absences beyond those covered by Oregon’s sick leave law but covered by other Oregon or Federal leave laws (e.g., family medical leave, crime victim leave) will continue to be excused (no occurrence points will be assigned).


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