FBC Portland Employee Handbook
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Handbook I understand and agree that my employment is for no definite period and, regardless of the time and manner of payment of my wages or salary, may be terminated at any time by ( Personnel Outsource Solutions (the Company)) or me, with or without cause, and without any previous notice. I also understand that no representative of the Company has authority to enter into an agreement with me for employment for any specified period of time or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing at-will agreement without prior approval of a duly appointed Officer of the Company. I acknowledge receipt of the Company’s revised Employee Handbook and understand the policies contained in it. I understand that this revised Employee Handbook is not a contract of employment, express or implied, between the Company and me and that I should not view it as a contract of employment. I understand that this Employee Handbook supersedes all prior editions and I understand and agree that the Company reserves the right to change or alter the policies at any time, except for the policy of at-will employment (which can be changed only by an expressed written agreement, signed by me and an Officer of the Company or one of his or her agents). Finally, I understand that this employment at-will agreement constitutes the entire agreement between me and the Company on the subject of termination and that it supersedes all prior agreements. The effective date of this employee handbook is 01/01/2024.
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