FBC Portland Employee Handbook



The information contained in this Handbook is designed as an advisory guide to assist the Company and our managers and supervisors with the effective management of personnel and is not meant to address every conceivable situation or issue that arises in the workplace. The provisions and guidelines contained in this Handbook and other policies are not binding on the Company and may be changed, interpreted, modified, revoked, suspended, terminated, or added to by the Company, in whole or in part, at any time, at the Company’s sole option, and without prior notice to employees. Please understand that the Company cannot anticipate every type of circumstance and, thus, these polices are not intended to cover every situation which may arise or to create specific policy to be applied in every instance. Instead, these policies are intended only to give management general advice concerning personnel decisions. Of course, if any employee is subject to a collective bargaining agreement, that agreement supersedes any provisions of this Handbook that are in conflict. Also, as a basic premise, the Company will comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws. Since we operate in multiple states, we cannot list every situation where state and local laws and regulations may differ from those listed in these policies , but please understand that any practice or policy of the Company will be applied consistent with all applicable laws and regulations. In addition, nothing in this Handbook should be interpreted in a manner that unlawfully prohibits the right of employees to discuss the terms and conditions of employment with other employees or otherwise to engage in protected concerted activity under the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”). The Company respects the Section 7 rights of employees and has and always will comply fully with its obligations under the NLRA, and the Company emphasizes that the policies in this Handbook and any other Company policy do not intend to cover conduct engaged in by employees that is protected by the NLRA. Nothing contained in this Handbook is intended to create, comprise, or define, nor should it be construed to constitute, any type of oral or written employment contract, promise, or guarantee, express or implied, between the Company and any one or all of its employees. Nothing in this Handbook is intended to provide any assurance of continued employment or any guaranty of continuity of benefits or rights. You understand that you are an at-will employee and nothing in this Handbook or other documents shall be construed to change your at-will status or otherwise create any type of contractual right. In the absence of a specific agreement to the contrary, which must be authorized in writing by a representative of the Company that has actual authority to enter into the written contract, employment with and compensation from the Company are for no definite period of time and may be terminated by the Company or the employee at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, and with or without notice. Any written or oral statements or promises to the contrary are hereby expressly disavowed and should not be relied upon by prospective or existing employees. Employment-At-Will


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