Lepage Sales Handbook


If you believe that you have been subjected to sexual harassment, you are encouraged to complete this form and submit it to your manager or Human Resources. You will not be retaliated against for filing a complaint. Once you submit this form, the Company will follow its Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy and investigate all complaints in a timely manner. COMPLAINANT INFORMATION Name: Home Address: Work Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Job Title: Email:

Preferred Communication Method: SUPERVISORY INFORMATION Immediate Supervisor’s Name: Title: Work Phone: COMPLAINT INFORMATION 1.

Work Address:

Your complaint of sexual harassment is made about:



Work Address:

Work Phone:

Relationship to you: • Supervisor

• Subordinate • Coworker

• Other

2. Please describe what happened and how it is affecting you and your work. Please use additional sheets of paper if necessary and attach any relevant documents or evidence.

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