Lepage Sales Handbook

Employee Wage and Benefit Notification

Employee Name: _________________________________________________________

Temp Start Date (If applicable) ________________

Date of Hire: ________________________ Park Street

Cedar Street


I certify that I have been notified of the following:

1. Normal hours of work are 40 hours or as necessary to meet business needs. 2. Your initial pay is $ /hour. 3. The pay period is weekly on Friday. If Friday is a holiday, the direct deposit will

be available the day before, unless otherwise designated.

4. Any temporary/seasonal positions will not be eligible for vacation, benefits, and/

or holidays normally available to regular fulltime employees.

5. Deductions will be made from wages for applicable taxes and FICA.

6. You will be eligible for all benefits in 90 Days



Signature of Employee


_________________________________ Printed Name of Employee

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