Baked Products Foods Group
will be issued a compatible hands‐free headset (Ear Bud s or Bluetooth) and a car charger. Additional accessories may be purchased at the User’s own expense.
Unauthorized Mobile Device Repairs This policy prohibits the repair of Company-issued mobile devices by unauthorized outside vendors. Damaged mobile devices must be turned in to the local SPOC for repair or replacement. This includes screen replacement and screen repairs. Data Usage All Company-issued mobile devices share one combined “data pool.” Considering the mobile device is Company-issued – primarily for business use – employees should work to ensure they use no more data than necessary. A reasonable amount of data use per individual has been established at 2 GB (Gigabytes) per month/per mobile device . Those employees that exceed reasonable amounts of data during each reporting period will be contacted and informed of their overuse. The Company may suspend mobile data capability for those mobile devices that routinely exceed the normal amounts. The following list provides some tips for minimizing mobile data use: • Always use (secure) Wi-Fi whenever possible • Utilize “map view” instead of “satellite view” for GPS/Directions applications • Turn OFF “Background Application Refresh” for all applications • Turn OFF “Wi - Fi Assist” – In Wi-Fi Assist, your mobile device will automatically switch to mobile data if it senses a Wi-Fi signal is too weak • For each individual application set “Location Services” to “Never” or “Only when I use the app” • Turn OFF Location Based Ads; Location Based Alerts and Location Based Suggestions • Turn OFF “Share My Location” • Turn OFF “Frequent Locations” • Al ways use the “mobile version” of websites whenever possible • Turn OFF video “auto - play” for all applications • Limit streaming music and video to when you are on Wi-Fi • Close out applications when they are not in use – they may still use data even if you do not have them on your screen International Roaming Travel Outside the United States - The use of International Roaming (talk, text and data) outside of the United States will be provided to those showing compelling need if the travel is not business related. Any unauthorized international roaming fees incurred by Users will be subject to reimbursement to the Company. For work -related international travel, international roaming will be enabled upon request.
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