FBC Oxford Employee Handbook
New employees go through an adjustment period as they learn their new job. During this 90-day introductory period, you and the Company have the opportunity to evaluate whether you and the job are a suitable match. Employees who complete this introductory period are not guaranteed employment for any specific period.
We hope that you will make the most of this "trial" period by learning your new job and demonstrating your ability and interest.
After 30 continuous days of employment, full-time employees become eligible for benefits.
Employment Classifications
Your job is classified as either hourly, non-exempt, or exempt.
Hourly and Non-exempt employees are paid overtime at the rate of time and one-half their regular rate of pay for all hours worked beyond 40 hours per week, in accordance with applicable wage and hour laws. You must maintain a record (through the C ompany’s time-keeping system) of the total hours you work each day. These hours must be accurately recorded and must reflect all regular and overtime hours worked, any absences, early or late arrivals, early or late departures and – if you are required to clock out – meal breaks. You must be paid for all hours that you work; therefore, it is a violation of the Company ’s policies for you to perform any work off the clock. In the unlikely event that your manager or supervisor asks you to work “off the clock,” report that immediately to the Human Resources Department.
It is also a violation of our work rules for any employee to “punch in” or to record time for another employee. Employees caught doing this will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
Exempt employees include salaried employees whose duties are executive, professional, sales, or other specific job categories. Exempt employees are not paid overtime for work performed beyond 40 hours in a regular week. This is in accordance with applicable wage and hour laws.
From time to time and under very limited circumstances, certain positions within the Company may lend themselves to restructuring for a reduced work schedule provided the restructuring does not cause an undue hardship on the Company, the department, or other employees of the Company. Any employee interested in working a reduced work schedule should make the request in writing to his or her department head, copying his or her immediate supervisor. The request must provide the reasons for needing a reduced work schedule and outline the employee’s vision for continued job performance that will meet the needs of the Company, the department, the employee, and all internal and external customers. Management will review all factors that have an influence on the reduced work schedule--business requirements, customer needs, employee work performance, future developments and trends, as well as th e department’s strategic plan. The department head and the human resources business partner will ensure that approval of the reduced schedule is granted in an equitable and consistent manner that promotes the best interests of the Company, the department, other affected departments, and employees while supporting company policy and any applicable federal and state laws. Once a reduced work schedule is granted, an employee wishing to make changes to the new schedule must follow the written procedures noted above. Any employee who requests to work a reduced schedule must currently be performing his or her job in a satisfactory manner, must have the ability to perform the job within the established time parameters, and must work with his or her supervisor and/or department head to establish a plan to ensure continued successful performance of the job. Performance appraisal will continue in accordance with company policy. Failure of a worker on a reduced schedule to meet performance guidelines may result in a return to a full time work schedule and/or disciplinary action, up to and including termination, depending on the extent of poor work performance.
Flowers Baking Company of Oxford Employee Handbook - June 1, 2023
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