FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)
To protect our customers and our employees' safety and health, we take a number of steps to ensure that our policy is followed. These steps may include searches, at Company discretion, or lockers, lunch boxes, toolboxes, vehicles, desks, clothing, and work areas. It may also include drug and/or alcohol testing whenever the Company suspects that an employee's work performance or on the-job behavior may be affected in any way by illegal use of drugs or use of alcohol, or that an employee has otherwise violated this policy. Prior to recommending an employee for reasonable suspicion testing, two (2) members of management must confirm and document observed behaviors and physical characteristics identified as consistent with an individual’s being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Employees will also be tested after a work-related "recordable" accident or vehicle accident if the Company believes it is reasonably probable that the accident could have been attributable to the use of drugs or alcohol, whenever Company policy requires an employee to undergo a physical examination, and whenever required by las. Periodic and random drug testing may also be conducted when permitted by applicable state or local law. An employee who test positive for illegal use of drugs and/or is found to be under the influence of alcohol as a result of any test will be in violation of our policy. Employees who work in the bakery, around heavy machinery or who operate heave equipment or machinery in the course of their duties, including but no limited to the operation of motor vehicles, who are taking prescription medications tat could impact their ability to safely perform their duties should report their use of these medication sot human resources. This could include, for example, if the prescription medication causes drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, problems concentrating or blurred vision, the like. Human Resources will then conduct and individualized assessment to determine whether any reasonable accommodations may exist that would allow the employee to safely perform his/her job. In order to comply with applicable law, employees must notify management within 5 days of any conviction of a criminal drug offense so that the underlying circumstances can be reviewed to determine whether such circumstances may impact the employee's ability to safely perform his/her job. Failure to report such conviction(s) may result in termination. Compliance with our Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy is a condition of employment. Violation of this policy will subject the employee to discipline, up to and including immediate termination. Noncompliance includes the refusal to cooperate with any or all procedures encompassed by this policy, including submitting to a test or search, and all requirements incidental to a test or search, and the policy generally. To help inform and educate all of us on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, we have established an awareness program. This program emphasizes our policy of maintaining a drug- and alcohol-free workplace, advises you of available counseling or rehabilitation opportunities and employee assistance programs, and includes features in our employee communications. The Company strongly encourages employees who develop a drug and/or alcohol problem to notify the HR Business Partner and to see help from public health agencies in our community. It is the employee's responsibility to seek assistance before he or she is discovered in violation of the policy and the Company takes disciplinary action. The Company cannot, and does not, assume any responsibility for diagnosing employee problems or referring employees to assistance programs.
Employee Handbook 2024
FBC Jacksonville
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