FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)

[1] Illegal use of drugs for purposes of our policy include the use of all drugs or other like substances whose possession, sale or misuse violate state or federal Jaw, or where use affects the ability to perform essential functions of the job, including the safe performance of the job (except for such medication prescribed or "over-the-counter" that the employee has previously reported to management where required by the policy). [2] Being "under the influence" of illegal drugs is defined as testing positive; being "under the influence" of alcohol is defined as an alcohol concentration of .04 or greater as determined through use of a blood test or evidential breath test (EBT) but may be less than .04 if the employee is otherwise impaired and said impairment is evident and documented by management. Employees subject to DOT jurisdiction shall be tested and handled consistent with applicable DOT rules.

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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