FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)
Using Social Media at Work
Refrain from using social media while on work time 0r on equipment we provide, unless it is work related as authorized by your manager or consistent with company policy regarding equipment usage. Do not use Flowers' email address to register for personal use on social networks, blogs, or other online forums.
Supervisors and Managers
To avoid actual or potential conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety, management , and supervisors should avoid social media relationship with non-managerial employees, except in cases where the relationship is limited to business-related networking or there is otherwise a legitimate business purpose.
No Expectation of Privacy
All contents of Flowers' computer and communication systems and platforms are the property of the company. Flowers monitors and controls access to such systems and platforms, and therefore, employees should have no expectation of privacy whatsoever with regard to electronic communication in connection with your use of any company resources, equipment or property, including, but not limited to Flowers' hosted email, the intranet (FLOConnect), Microsoft Teams, and SharePoint. Further, Flowers also monitors external public communication platforms (including social media) for information pertaining to Flowers’ business. Flowers may review electronic communication, without notice to the employee unless otherwise required under applicable law, including with regard to investigating any case of misconduct or misuse of information. that may have a direct impact on Flowers' reputation, brands, values, and business ethics. Workplace complaints, including those relating to discrimination or harassment, should be submitted through appropriate channels such as through the Employee Complaint Procedure or Flowers' Ethics & Compliance Hotline. Flowers has zero tolerance for retaliation or discrimination of any kind. Flowers prohibits taking adverse action against any employee for reporting a possible deviation from this policy or any other Flowers' policy, or for cooperating in an investigation. Any employee who engages in retaliation or discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including te1mination. Reporting Concerns - Retaliation is Prohibited
If you need to make an anonymous report, contact the Ethics & Compliance Hotline at: 888-337-7524 or at speakup.flowersfoods.com.
Employee Handbook 2024
FBC Jacksonville
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