FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)

Cell Phone Use Policy

We recognize that cell phones have become an integral part of everyday life. However, the use of cell phones or pagers while working may present a hazard to our production process and other employees. This policy is meant to ensure safety to our employees and to our production processes. The use of cell phones and/or pagers is restricted to your break periods in designated break and smoking areas. Personal cell phones or pagers are not allowed on the manufacturing floor or in any support area of the bakery under any circumstances. Personal cell phones and pagers are not to be kept on your person or toolbox and should be stored in your employee locker or vehicle. Only a company provided cell phone may be used on the manufacturing floor and other areas of the facility in support of company business as requirements dictate. Violations of this policy fall under Group B disciplinary procedures. Employees violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to an including termination, depending upon the individual's standing in the progressive discipline process.

____________________________________________ Employee's Signature

____________________________________________ Employee Printed Name

____________________________________________ Date

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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