FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)

handling finished, unpackaged product will wear gloves that are intact, clean, and in sanitary condition. f. No person who has an infectious or communicable disease shall work in any capacity in which there is a direct threat that such infection or disease being transmitted to other individuals, unless that is a reasonable accommodation that will eliminate the risk of transmission. Employees must notify their supervisor or Human Resources when they have an infectious communicable disease that may have the potential to cause a direct threat of transmission or otherwise violate Food and Drug Administration guidelines or regulations. . g. Only approved uniforms, bump caps, and PPB will be allowed for work attire. "Approved" uniforms are those with shirts that snap rather than button. Shirts and blouses must be properly tucked into pants. Belts must be worn with pants that have belt loops. Belts must be completely within the belt loops. h. Chewing gum, candy or using or carrying tobacco products in unauthorized areas is not allowed. i. Eating or drinking outside of break areas or in any unauthorized area is not allowed. No food may be brought into storage, production or processing areas of the bake1y. This includes items such as cough drops. J. Employees may store their lunch or daily snacks inside lockers provided the food is inside a lunchbox, thermos, or other closed container. Leftover food or drink must be disposed of/taken home on a daily basis. At no time will an employee be allowed to store open food or drinks inside lockers. k. Appropriate business attire is required of all office personnel. Tennis shoes, sweat suits, blue jeans and other denim garments, shorts, tee-shirts, skorts, leggings worn without a skirt, capri-length pants, etc. will not be allowed in the office. l. Excessive perfume or aftershave shall not be worn. m. For safety and legal compliance reasons, employees who are medically required to have essential personal medicines available while working in the production area should report this to Human Resources when such medications have the potential to cause product contamination or could impact the employee's ability to safely perform his or her job. 18. Failure to observe safety rules. This list is not all inclusive: a. Sandals, cloth top, open toe, canvas, unlaced shoes or any type of shoe which leaves any part of any part of the foot exposed are not acceptable for employees working in the plant area. b. Work areas must be kept in good order at all times. c. Never block aisles around fire extinguishers or exit routes. d. Running is not permitted on Company premises, including parking lots.

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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