FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)

e. Employees are to report immediately to their supervisor or designated member of management all injuries and safety related incident no matter how slight. This includes near misses. For drivers of CMVs, failure to re port an accident within 24 hours may result in progressive disciplinary action up to an including termination. f. Failure to use the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for your job (e.g., respirators, goggles, bump caps, safety shoes, hearing protection, gloves, boots, etc.). g. Forklifts should only be operated by employees trained in Forklift Operation. All OSHA-required rules must be followed at all times including but not limited to wearing seatbelts and not allowing riders at any time. h. Company policy requires that all employees' cuts and grazes on exposed sign be covered by a Company-issued detectable metal strip bandage out side of office areas. Employees should replace bandages worn from home with an approved bandage. i. Company policy requires that any chemicals used within the facility be used only in accordance with Safety Data Sheet prescribed safety measures and only by employees trained in the chemical's use, hazards, and prescribed safety measures. j. Company policy prohibits the use of handheld personal communications devices to either read e-mail and/or text messages or to send e-mail and/or text messages while driving for work. This work rule applies to any employee who drives as a part of his or her job, whether in a personal vehicle or a Company vehicle. Any employee who, while performing any type of work for the Company, is involved in an accident - or receives a moving vehicle citation for reading or sending e-mail or text messages - in violation of this work rule will receive the applicable step in the disciplinary process. Additionally, any employee (as identified above) who is involved in a vehicle accident will receive documentation of a chargeable vehicle accident whether or not the violation of this work rule was the prima1y cause of the accident. The laws of any state in which you drive that are more restrictive than this requirement must be followed. k. Failure to use safe lifting techniques. If an object is too heavy for one person to lift, get help. l. Failure to following the company's COVID-19 masking and social distancing policy until such policy is removed. m. Failure to observe and follow all other safety rules, signs, practices and procedures, including but not limited to GMPs, BRC standards, FDA rules and regulations, and OSHA rules and regulations. If you do not understand the rules, signs, practices or procedures, ask your supervisor to explain them. 19. Failure to observe driver safety rules. This list is not all inclusive: a. Company policy requires all drivers to perform three (3) vehicle inspections each day: pre-trip, during-trip and post trip. At a minimum, the fol lowing should be present at each inspection: 3 reflective triangles in good repair; spare fuses needed to operate required parts/accessory; and a charge fire extinguisher that is fastened security in bracket.

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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