FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)


Company policy requires the daily completion of a written Driver Daily Vehicle

Inspection Report (DVIR) c.

Company policy requires sales management to collect and review DVIRs every day, determine if a CMV has a safety defect, and ensure that the truck is repaired. (Failure to perform appropriate record collection and re view is a Group B violation. Operating or Allowing a CMV to be operated with a safety defect is a Group A violation see rule 21 Group A). d. Company policy requires that the driver of a CMV ensure that the vehicle is road worthy. Before operating the vehicle, the driver must inspect (and document?) the following: 1) Current registration and insurance 2) Proper display of license plates 3) Proper inflation of tires and tread depth 4) Brake test 5) Lights and whether they are functioning properly 6) Whether the windshield wiper blades are usable e. Company policy prohibits driving in flip-flops (must have heel strap) or while barefoot. f. Company policy prohibits any form of road rage, negative gestures, or public indecency displayed to other drivers or to the public while driving or occupying a Company vehicle. (Note: While these are prohibited Company behaviors, they are also against the law and may be considered moving violations which will be counted against a driver's driving record, if convicted). g. Drivers must follow any corrective lens restrictions assigned to them at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). h. Failure to schedule or keep appointment for the mandatory physical evaluation. 20. The following rules follow a three-step disciplinary process, rather than a four step. The steps are as follows: First conviction/violation: Written Warning/Retraining Second conviction/violation: Final Warning/Retraining Third conviction/violation: Termination

a. Conviction of any moving violations in any vehicle (including in your personal vehicle on your personal time) within the current 36-month peri od. Drivers must notify their

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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