FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)

ATTENDANCE POLICY Absenteeism and tardiness cause hardship for fellow team members and the business. Employees who are excessively absent and tardy reduce the morale of those employees who are in attendance and therefore must do extra work to make up for absence/tardiness. There is also a cost to the Company associated with replacing employees who are out or who are tardy. All of us must work together to keep absenteeism and tardiness to a minimum. Failure to follow the attendance and tardiness rules listed below can result in an absence or tardiness being unexcused with discipline resulting in accordance with the schedule below. . Excessive excused absence or tardiness can also result in disciplinary action if the absence/tardiness is not legally protected leave, and such excused absence or tardiness otherwise falls outside of the parameters established by the Company or causes a disruption to the workforce. Once an unexcused absence/tardy becomes six (6) months old, it drops from your record in considering the next disciplinary step. Disciplinary procedures concerning attendance/tardiness problems follow the progressive step process outlined below. However, the severity and frequency of the offense may warrant escalation of the disciplinary process, including immediate discharge where applicable. Absences covered by any legally protected leave are not counted or otherwise considered for disciplinary or any other adverse action. I


Disciplinary Action


Documented Verbal Warning


Written Warning


Final Warning


Subject to Discharge

Attendance/tardiness violations are not combined with any other Company disciplinary violations. This attendance policy is designed to correct problems, deter abuse and to prevent attendance and tardiness problems from developing.

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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