FBC Jacksonville Employee Handbook (1)

1. Unless prior approval has been given by the employee's supervisor, any employee reporting to work (clocking or signing in) after his or her scheduled starting time may be charged with an unexcused tardy. (Note: There is a 5 min. grace period allowed before and/or after the scheduled starting time). 2. Any absence, tardy or incomplete shift without prior approval of management may result in disciplinary action. This includes tardies from employee break times. Scheduled doctor's appointments should be made on off days where possible. Otherwise, at least two (2) days’ notice is required. 3. Any employee reporting that he or she expects to be tardy must tell his or her supervisor or other designated management official) the expected time of arrival. Any employee reporting for work (clocking or signing in) more than one hour after his or her scheduled starting time, may at the option of the supervisor, be sent home for the day and charged with an unexcused absence. Likewise, when an employee reports that he or she will be absent, the employee must provide an expected date of return. If an expected date of return is unknown at the time, daily notification is required. At the minimum, a twelve (12) hour notice of intent to return to work after an absence must be provided or at the option of the supervisor the employee may be sent home for the day upon returning to work with the absence considered unexcused. 4. Any employee that is absent due to illness must provide proper documentation from a medical provider that indicates they were unable to work that day. If the absence extends beyond one scheduled work day a proper doctor's excuse covering each day is required; otherwise, each consecutive day missed will count as a separate absence. The documentation must reflect the date the initial visit was made and that date must correspond with the first day of absence. 5. Any employee that does not complete his/her scheduled shift due to illness or other personal emergency will be charged with an incomplete shift and disciplinary action may be taken. An employee that reports to work and then subsequently leaves work is not precluded from the two (2) hour notice requirement outlined in this policy. 6. Employees will not be charged with an attendance violation as a result of military leave, prior approved leave of absence, jury duty or absences that qualify under the FMLA. However, this does not preclude the employee's responsibility to provide proper notice as required. In the event of an extended illness or injury, the employee must notify the Director of Human Resources of his/her1status at least once weekly, or as otherwise directed by management. Failure to take the preceding steps will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

Employee Handbook 2024

FBC Jacksonville

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