FBC Lynchburg Employee Handbook (1)

STEP TWO If you do not believe your question or concern has been thoroughly and fairly considered, or if you would rather not approach your immediate supervisor with a particular question, you may discuss it with the next highest level of supervision. STEP THREE If your question or concern remains after that discussion, you may discuss the matter with the General Manager. NOTE 1: At any time you feel your question or concern can better be addressed by first obtaining confidential counseling from your Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) or another senior management official, you may exercise this option. At any time you feel it is more appropriate, or you simply desire to put your question or concern in writing, you may do so. We have provided a designated form which can be used to state your question or concern. These forms are available from your Human Resources office. Return completed forms to your HRBP. It is our intent, to the extent possible, to keep matters brought and addressed under the Problem Review Procedure confidential. Furthermore, no employee will be subject to any form of retaliation or discipline for processing a complaint or problem under this Procedure. To continue working together successfully, we all must realize that harmonious relationships are the outgrowth of mutual respect, team spirit and cooperation. Again, we urge you to bring your questions or concerns to our attention so we can resolve them together. NOTE 2:

2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner

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